Shortened Dependent Clauses – Free Exercise

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Type in the verb in the gerundio.

  1. Ella andaba por la calle (mirar)   el cielo.She walked down the street, looking at the sky.
  2. Él aguanta el calor bien (beber)   agua con regularidad.He handles the heat well by drinking water regularly.
  3. Marcos hace progresos (entrenar)   duramente.Marcos is making progress by training hard.
  4. Ellos consiguen vender más coches (hacer)   grandes descuentos.They manage to sell more cars by offering big discounts.
  5. Eva se mantiene en forma (ir)   al gimnasio todas las semanas. Eva keeps in shape by going to the gym every week.

Type in the verb in the participio.

  1. Una vez (aparcar)   el coche, buscamos el parquímetro.coche: masculine singular: aparcadoHaving parked the car, we looked for a ticket machine.
  2. (cansar)   de esperar, mis amigos se marcharon.The participio agrees with amigos.Tired of waiting, my friends left.
  3. (acabar)   la fiesta, la gente se marchó a casa .The participio agrees with fiesta.With the party over, the people went home.
  4. Recién (reparar)  , la lavadora se volvió a romper.lavadora: feminine singular: reparadaNewly repaired, the washing machine just broke again.
  5. Una vez (recibir)   los últimos informes, pudimos acabar el trabajo de investigación.Once we’ve received the final reports, we will be able to complete the research.

Type in the correct form (infinitive, gerund, participle).

  1. Me gustaría (volver)   en invierno.gustar + infinitiveI’d like to come back in winter.
  2. Una vez (terminar)   los deberes, Juan pudo salir a jugar a la calle.actions happen sequentially participle
    The variable participle agrees with los deberes - who/what was finished.
    His homework finished, Juan was allowed to play outside.
  3. Antes de (ir)   a la cama, me lavo los dientes.antes de + infinitiveBefore I go to bed, I brush my teeth.
  4. (sorprender)   por la tormenta, tuvieron que resguardarse debajo de un árbol.anteriority → participleSurprised by a storm, they had to take shelter under a tree.
  5. (esperar)   delante del cine, me encontré con un amigo mío.simultaneity → gerundWaiting in front of the cinema, I met a friend of mine.