Conjunctions – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct conjunction, subjunction, or conjunctional expression.
Each word can only be used once.

  1. Como frutas es bueno para la salud.The dependent clause expresses a reason → subjunction porqueI eat fruit because it’s healthy.
  2. Zoe peina a su muñeca su madre le enseñó.The dependent clause expresses a comparison → comoZoe combs her doll’s hair the way her mother showed her.
  3. El gato maúlla lo cojas en brazos.The dependent clause expresses a goal → para queThe cat is mewing so that you will pick it up.
  4. El ladrón salió de la casa los que estaban durmiendo se despertasen.something that happens before something else → antes de queThe thief left the house before those who were sleeping woke up.
  5. Robó el dinero nadie se enterase.The dependent clause expresses a manner → sin queHe stole the money without anyone realising it.

Join the two clauses to make a single sentence.
Note: Some of the subjunctions require the subjuntivo.

  1. Estoy enferma. No iré a trabajar mañana.
      porque  .Sentence structure remains unchanged.I’m not going to work tomorrow because I’m sick.
  2. Pregunté a mucha gente. Nadie me pudo ayudar.
      pero  .Sentence structure remains unchanged.I asked a lot of people but no one could help me.
  3. Tengo que trabajar. No tengo ganas.
      aunque  .aunque + subjuntivoI have to work even though I don’t feel like it.
  4. Vienes a visitarme. Te enseñaré mi colección de sellos.
      si  .Sentence structure remains unchanged.I’ll show you my stamp collection if you come to visit me.
  5. Te espero. Tú vienes.
      hasta que  .hasta que + subjuntivoI’ll wait for you until you return.
  6. Vuelves de vacaciones. Llámame.
      en cuanto  . en cuanto + subjuntivoCall me as soon as you’re back from holiday.
  7. Tienes tiempo. Vamos al restaurante.
      cuando  .cuando + subjuntivoWe’ll go to a restaurant when you have time.
  8. Llueve. Se quedan en casa.
      así que  .Sentence structure remains unchanged.It’s raining, so they’re staying home.
  9. Me das un libro. Puedo leer.
      para que  .para que + subjuntivoYou give me a book so that I can read it.
  10. El libro será enviado mañana. Yo lo pienso.
      que  .lo is removed because the direct object is replaced by the dependent clause.I think that the book will be delivered tomorrow.