Declarative Sentences – Free Exercise

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Form a sentence in each row by choose the correct sentence elements for each category.

Subject Verb Direct Object Indirect Object
Marina gives her sister a CD.
They explain the situation to the citizens.
The noise startled my cousin.

Put the words in order to create sentences. Remember: the direct object comes before the indirect object.

  1. a su prima/escribe/Julia/una carta
     . subject + verb + direct object + indirect objectJulia writes her cousin a letter.
  2. cuenta/a su hermana/una historia/Pascual
     . subject + verb + direct object + indirect objectPascual tells his sister a story.
  3. muchos libros/presta/a sus lectores/la biblioteca
     . subject + verb + direct object + indirect objectThe library lends many books to its visitors.
  4. las manzanas/prefiero/a las peras
     . (subject) + verb + direct object + indirect object
    this sentence begins with the verb as Spanish typically omits subject pronouns like yo
    I like apples more than pears.
  5. lee/el nieto/al abuelo/el periódico
     . subject + verb + direct object + indirect objectThe grandson reads the newspaper to his grandad.

Complete the sentences use the words listed. Pay attention to word order.
Note: the indirect object only comes first if the direct object has additional information attached to it.

  1. a sus nietos/hacen/regalos
    → Los abuelos  .subject + verb + direct object + indirect objectThe grandparents give gifts to their grandchildren.
  2. un trabajo/a su clase/presentó/sobre su animal favorito
    → Sandra  .subject + verb + indirect object + direct object + additional info
    as the direct object is accompanied by additional information (sobre …), it comes after the indirect object
    Sandra gave her class a presentation on her favourite animal.
  3. el juego/a sus vecinos/enseñan/que aprendieron en vacaciones
    → Roberto y María  . subject + verb + indirect object + direct object + relative clause
    as the direct object is accompanied by additional information (here in the form of a relative clause beginning with que), it comes after the indirect object
    Roberto and Marta are showing their neighbours the game they learned on holiday.
  4. a Jorge/una bofetada/dio/que le dolió mucho
    → Mari Carmen  .subject + verb + indirect object + direct object + relative clause
    as the direct object is accompanied by additional information (here in the form of a relative clause beginning with que), it comes after the indirect object
    Mari Carmen gave Jorge a slap that really hurt.
  5. a los periodistas/ofrece/nuevas posibilidades
    → Internet  .subject + verb + direct object + indirect objectThe internet offers journalists new possibilities.