ir and venir – Free Exercise

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Complete the sentences with the correct form of ir or venir.

  1. Somos de Madrid, pero en verano de vacaciones a Galicia.The speaker is not present at the destination → irWe’re from Madrid, but in summer we go on holiday to Galicia.
  2. Vivo en el centro y a la oficina todos los días en transporte público.The speaker is not present at the destination → irI live in the centre and every day I go to the office on public transport.
  3. de echar gasolina.The speaker has arrived at their destination and indicates the point of origin with the preposition devenirWe came from getting petrol.
  4. Marta al gimnasio de su barrio dos veces a la semana.The speaker is not present at the destination → irMarta goes to the gym in her neighbourhood twice a week.
  5. Hoy una alumna de intercambio.The sentence describes the movement of a person towards the speaker → venirToday an exchange student came.
  6. Lucas a cenar con nosotros en casa a las ocho.The sentence describes the movement of Lucas towards the speaker → venirLucas is coming to dinner at ours at 8 o’clock.

Complete the sentences below with the correct preposition.

  1. Esta tarde vamos   ver una obra de teatro.The speaker refers to the final destination → ir aTonight we are going to watch a play.
  2. Llegamos tarde porque venimos   comprar el pan.The speaker refers to the point of departure → venir deWe’re late because we came from buying bread.
  3. Los bailarines vienen directamente   Moscú.The speaker refers to the dancers’ origins → venir deThe dancers come directly from Moscow.
  4. Mi hermana y yo iremos de vacaciones   las Canarias en verano.The speaker is referring to their destination → ir aMy sister and I are going on holiday to the Canaries in summer.
  5. Mañana vienen expertos   Barcelona a dar un seminario.The speaker is referring to the experts’ origins → venir deTomorrow some experts from Barcelona are coming to give a seminar.

Complete the following invitations with the correct form of ir or venir.

  1. —Mi padre y yo vamos todos los veranos a pescar. ¿Te gustaría ?
    —Buena idea, con vosotros.1. invitation to a pre-existing plan → venir
    2. accepting an invitation → ir
    –Every summer my dad and I go fishing. Would you like to come?
    –Good idea, I’ll go with you.
  2. —Creo que mañana estrenan una película de miedo. ¿ ?
    —Vaya, no puedo . Ya he quedado.1. spontaneous suggestion → ir
    2. declining an invitation → ir
    –I think that tomorrow they’re showing a new horror film. Shall we go?
    –Oh no, I can’t go. I’m busy.
  3. —Voy al cumpleaños de Silvia esta tarde. ¿ ?
    —¡Sí, yo también .1. pre-existing plan → venir
    2. accepting an invitation → ir
    –I’m going to Silvia’s birthday this afternoon. Are you coming?
    –Yes! I’m going too.
  4. —Este domingo voy al Rastro. ¿ conmigo?
    —Pues sí, contigo.1. pre-existing plan → venir
    2. accepting an invitation → ir
    –This Sunday I’m going to the Rastro. Do you want to come with me?
    –Ok then, I’ll go with you.
  5. —He oído que Praga es una ciudad preciosa. ¿ algún día?
    —Yo ya he estado... ¡ a Oslo!1. spontaneous suggestion → ir
    2. spontaneous suggestion → ir
    –I’ve heard that Prague is a lovely city. Shall we go one day?
    –I’ve been there before ... Let’s go to Oslo!