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Write hace, desde or desde hace to complete the following sentences.
- dos semanas me apunté al gimnasio. action that took place in the past
specific time period (dos semanas) → haceI joined the gym two weeks ago.
- Llueve tres días sin parar. action that started in the past and continues in the present
specific time period (tres días) → desde haceIt’s been raining non-stop for three days.
- Toda la calle está sin luz ayer por la noche. exact moment when the action began
specific time point (ayer por la noche) → desdeThe whole street has had no power since last night.
- un rato vino el cartero. action that took place in the past
indeterminate time period (un rato) → haceThe postman came a while ago.
- Me duele la espalda algunos meses. action that started in the past and continues in the present
indeterminate time period (algunos meses) → desde haceMy back has been hurting for a few months.