hace/desde/desde hace – Free Exercise

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Complete the sentences below with hace, desde or desde hace.

  1. No duermo dos días. action that started in the past and continues in the present
    specific time period (dos días)desde hace
    I haven’t slept for two days.
  2. un año me mudé a este barrio. action that took place in the past
    specific time period (un año)hace
    I moved to this neighbourhood a year ago.
  3. Las plazas para el curso de Yoga están abiertas noviembre. exact moment when something started
    specific time point (noviembre)desde
    The places for the yoga course have been open since November.
  4. Me casé diez años. action that took place in the past
    specific time point (diez años) → hace
    I got married ten years ago.
  5. La basílica la Sagrada Familia de Barcelona está en construcción 1882. exact moment when something began
    specific time point (1882)desde
    The Sagrada Familia Cathedral has been under construction since 1882.

Write hace, desde or desde hace to complete the following sentences.

  1.   dos semanas me apunté al gimnasio. action that took place in the past
    specific time period (dos semanas) → hace
    I joined the gym two weeks ago.
  2. Llueve   tres días sin parar. action that started in the past and continues in the present
    specific time period (tres días) → desde hace
    It’s been raining non-stop for three days.
  3. Toda la calle está sin luz   ayer por la noche. exact moment when the action began
    specific time point (ayer por la noche)desde
    The whole street has had no power since last night.
  4.   un rato vino el cartero. action that took place in the past
    indeterminate time period (un rato) → hace
    The postman came a while ago.
  5. Me duele la espalda   algunos meses. action that started in the past and continues in the present
    indeterminate time period (algunos meses) → desde hace
    My back has been hurting for a few months.

Choose hace, desde or desde hace to complete the following sentences.

    una semana encontré trabajo. action that took place in the past
    specific time period (una semana) → hace
    I found a job a week ago.
    abril no tengo noticias de Lidia. exact moment when the action began
    specific time point (abril)desde
    I haven’t heard from Lidia since April.
    años estuve en Oslo de visita. action that took place in the past
    indeterminate time period (años) → hace
    I visited Oslo a few years ago.
    más de una hora estoy esperando a Martina. action that started in the past and continues in the present
    indeterminate time period (más de una hora) → desde hace
    I’ve been waiting for Martina for over an hour.
    esta mañana no ha salido el sol. exact moment when the action began
    specific time point (esta mañana)desde
    The sun hasn’t come out since this morning.