conocer and saber – Free Exercise

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Decide which verb should be used to talk about the following things.

  1. tocar la guitarra Learned ability, know howsaberplay the guitar
  2. el norte de España Personal experience of a place, familiarityconocerthe north of Spain
  3. las costumbres de un paísPersonal experience of something, familiarityconocerthe customs of a country
  4. sumar y restar Learned ability, know howsaberadd up and subtract
  5. nadar Learned ability, know howsaberswim
  6. a qué hora empieza la película To have information about something, know aboutsaberwhat time the film starts
  7. la ruta al refugio de montaña Personal experience of something, familiarityconocerthe way to the mountain hostel
  8. el final de la película Personal experience of something, familiarityconocerthe end of the film
  9. el protocolo de emergenciafamiliarityconocerthe emergency procedure
  10. dónde está aparcado el coche To have information about something, know thatsaberwhere the car is parked

Choose the correct verb to complete the sentences below.

  1. ¿ a Marta? Es la nueva profesora de matemáticas. To have contact with someone, familiarityconocerDo you know Marta? She’s the new maths teacher.
  2. No dónde he dejado las llaves del coche. To have information about something → saberI don’t know where I left the car keys.
  3. Me encanta el arte y muy bien las obras de Warhol. Familiarity with something → conocerI love art and I know Warhol’s paintings very well.
  4. Mis padres no los grupos de música que me gustan. No familiarity/personal experience → conocerMy parents don’t know the bands that I like.
  5. ¿ a qué hora empieza la película en el cine? To have information about something → saberDo you know what time the film starts at the cinema?
  6. Mi hermana hablar cuatro idiomas. Learned ability, know howsaberMy sister knows how to speak four languages.
  7. No qué tiempo hará esta semana. To (not) have information about something → saberWe don’t know what the weather will be like this week.
  8. He vivido siete años en Londres, así que la ciudad bastante bien. Personal experience, familiarityconocerI lived in London for seven years, so I know the city quite well.
  9. Hoy al novio de mi hermana. Meeting someone for the first time → conocerToday I met my sister’s boyfriend.
  10. Los alumnos se la lección de memoria. Knowing something by heart → saberseThe students know the lesson by heart.

Which fits better – yo sé or yo conozco? Complete the text with the correct verbs.

Mi madre es de Salamanca y mi padre de Bristol, así que hablar inglés y español.Learned ability, know howsaberMy mother is from Salamanca and my father is from Bristol, so I know how to speak English and Spanish.

Siempre he vivido en España, pero los veranos los pasamos juntos en Inglaterra, así que ambos países.Personal experience, familiarityconocerI’ve always lived in Spain, but we spent summers together in England, so I know both countries.

Mis compañeros de clase solo hablar un idioma, pero de una profesora que habla español, sueco y alemán.1. Learned ability, know howsaber
2. To have evidence of something → saber de
My classmates only know how to speak one language, but I know about a teacher who speaks Spanish, Swedish and German.

Dicen que las personas bilingües son buenas con la música, así que me apunté a clases cuando era pequeña y ahora tocar el violín y el piano.Learned ability, know howsaberThey say that bilingual people are good at music, so I signed up for classes when I was young and now I know how to play the violin and the piano.

compositores tanto clásicos como modernos. Familiarity → conocerI know classical composers as well as modern ones.

No lo que quiero ser de mayor, pero me gustaría un trabajo con el que viajar y todos los rincones y culturas del mundo. 1. To (not) have information about something → saber
2. To become familiar with something → conocer
I don’t know what I want to be when I am older, but I would like a job where I can travel and get to know all the corners and cultures of the world.

Los que me que soy una exploradora nata. 1. To have contact with someone, familiarityconocer
2. To have information about someone → saber
People who know me know that I am a born explorer.