Past Perfect – Free Exercise

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Regular verbs. Complete the sentences with the pretérito pluscuamperfecto (past perfect) of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Mario (comer)   mucho antes de tirarse a la piscina, por eso tuvo un corte de digestión.3rd person singular of haber in the imperfecto + ido-participleMario had eaten too much before jumping in the pool, so he got a stomach cramp.
  2. (entrenar/nosotros)   duro para ganar la competición.1st person plural of haber in the imperfecto + ado-participleWe had trained hard in order to win the competition.
  3. Estaban agotados porque (caminar/ellos)   mucho.3rd person plural of haber in the imperfecto + ado-participleThey were exhausted because they had walked a long way.
  4. No (dormir/vosotros)   lo suficiente para estar en forma.2nd person plural of haber in the imperfecto + ido-participleYou hadn’t slept enough to be in good shape.
  5. Ya nos (vestir/nosotros)   todos cuando él se levantó de la siesta.1st person plural of haber in imperfecto + ido-participleWe had already all got dressed by the time he woke up from his nap.

Irregular verbs. Regular verbs. Complete the sentences with the pretérito pluscuamperfecto (past perfect) of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Han publicado unas fotos de la luna como nunca antes la (ver/nosotros)  .1st person plural of haber in the imperfecto + irregular participle
    They published some new photos of the moon as we’d never seen it before.
  2. Quise avisarles, pero era demasiado tarde: ya (abrir/ellos)   el sobre.3rd person plural of haber in the imperfecto + irregular participle
    I wanted to warn them, but it was too late: they had already opened the envelope.
  3. Cuando llegamos ya (descubrir/vosotros)   la verdad.2nd person plural of haber in the imperfecto + irregular participle
    When we arrived, you had already discovered the truth.
  4. Ignorábamos lo que le (hacer)   cambiar de opinión.3rd person singular of haber in the imperfecto + irregular participle
    We didn’t know what had caused him to change his opinion.
  5. No le (decir/yo)   la verdad.1st person singular of haber in the imperfecto + irregular participle
    I hadn’t told him the truth.

All verbs. Complete the sentences with the pretérito pluscuamperfecto (past perfect) of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Pensé que no (reflexionar/tú)   lo suficiente.2nd person singular of haber in the imperfecto + regular ado-participleI thought you hadn’t considered it long enough.
  2. Nos dijeron que la película no les (gustar)   nada.3rd person singular of haber in the imperfecto + regular ado-participleThey told us that they hadn’t liked the film at all.
  3. Hasta ese día nunca me (contradecir/ellos)  .3rd person plural of haber in the imperfecto + irregular participle
    Until that day, they had never contradicted me.
  4. (cubrir/nosotros)   el patio para poder utilizarlo los días de lluvia.1st person plural haber in the imperfecto + irregular participle
    We had covered the patio so that we could use it on rainy days.
  5. A pesar de que su primera película no (tener)   mucho éxito, él seguía decidido a triunfar.3rd person singular of haber in the imperfecto + regular ido-participleAlthough his first film hadn’t met with much success, he kept working, determined to succeed.