Perfect Tense – Free Exercise

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Regular verbs. Complete the sentences with the pretérito perfecto of the verbs in brackets.

  1. (jugar/nosotros)   al mus.1st person plural of haberhemos + participio
    ar verb: replace the infinitive ending with -ado
    We played mus.
    (a Spanish card game)
  2. ¿Qué nota (sacar/tú)   en el examen?2nd person singular of haberhas + participio
    ar-verb: replace the infinitive ending with -ado
    What grade did you get on the test?
  3. ¿(comer/vosotros)   ya?2nd person plural of haberhabéis + participio
    er-verb: replace the infinitive ending with -ido
    Have you already eaten?
  4. Me (tocar)   unas entradas para el cine.3rd person plural of haberhan + participio
    ar-verb: replace the infinitive ending with -ado
    Note: this is a different construction in Spanish
    literally: the cinema tickets “hit” me
    I’ve won a couple of cinema tickets.
  5. El árbitro (pitar)   el final del primer tiempo.3rd person singular of haberha + participio
    ar-verb: replace the infinitive ending with -ado
    The referee blew the final whistle of the first half.

Irregular verbs. Complete the sentences with the pretérito perfecto of the verbs in brackets.

  1. El grupo (volver)   de su gira americana.3rd person singular of haberha + participio
    irregular participle: volvervuelto
    The band has returned from their US tour.
  2. Te (decir/yo)   cien veces que vengas.1st person singular of haberhe + participio
    irregular participle: decirdicho
    I’ve told you a hundred times that you should come.
  3. Esta mañana no (hacer/nosotros)   las camas.1st person plural of haberhemos + participio
    irregular participle: hacerhecho
    This morning we didn’t make our beds.
  4. Los comercios (abrir)   a las diez.3rd person plural of haberhan + participio
    irregular participle: abrirabierto
    The shops opened at ten.
  5. Alberto (imprimir)   sus apuntes esta tarde.3rd person singular of haberha + participio
    irregular participle: imprimirimpreso/imprimido
    Alberto printed out his transcripts this afternoon.

Regular and irregular verbs. Complete the sentences with the pretérito perfecto of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Esta mañana (desayunar/yo)   un café y una tostada.1st person singular of haberhe + participio
    ar-verb: replace the infinitive ending with -ado
    This morning, I had coffee and toast for breakfast.
  2. ¿Todavía no (poner/tú)   la mesa?2nd person singular of haberhas + participio
    irregular participle: ponerpuesto
    You haven’t set the table yet?
  3. Nunca (escribir/vosotros)   un poema.2nd person plural of haberhabéis + participio
    irregular participle: escribirescrito
    You’ve never written a poem.
  4. Todos los periódicos (publicar)   la misma noticia.3rd person plural of haberhan + participio
    ar-verb: replace the infinitive ending with -ado
    All the papers published the same news article.
  5. En el accidente (morir)   decenas de personas.3rd person plural of haberhan + participio
    irregular participle: morirmuerto
    Dozens of people died in the accident.