Imperfect Tense – Free Exercise

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Regular verbs. Complete the gaps with the imperfecto of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Siempre (compartir/nosotros)   nuestro almuerzo con los demá, 1st person plural ending: -íamosWe would always share our lunch with the others.
  2. Antes (soler/yo)   comer en la cafeterí, 1st person singular ending: -íaBefore, I used to eat in the cafeteria.
  3. El año pasado (dormir/tú)   aún con tu, 2nd person singular ending: -íasLast year, you were still living with your brother.
  4. Los actores (firmar)   autógrafos después de cada funció, 3rd person plural ending: -abanThe actors would sign autographs after every performance.
  5. A mi antiguo coche le (costar), 3rd person singular ending: -abaMy old car always had trouble starting.

Irregular verbs. Complete the gaps with the imperfecto of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Hace dos años, el transporte público (ser)   mucho más barato.irregular verb, 3rd person singular: sereraPublic transport used to be much cheaper two years ago.
  2. En verano (ir/nosotros)   todas las tardes a la playa.irregular verb, 1st person plural: iríbamosIn summer, we went to the beach every day.
  3. Nuria y Ramón (ser)   los más jóvenes del grupo.irregular verb, 3rd person plural: sereranNuria and Ramón were the youngest ones in the group.
  4. Al anochecer (ir/vosotros)   a pasear.irregular verb, 2nd person plural: iribaisYou always went walking at nightfall.
  5. El jardín de Inés (ser)   el más florido del pueblo.irregular verb, 3rd person singular: sereraInés’ garden had the most flowers of the entire village.

Regular and irregular verbs. Complete the gaps with the imperfecto of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Edgar Degas (pintar)   esencialmente bailarinas y carreras de, 3rd person singular ending: -abaEdgar Degas mostly painted ballerinas and horse races.
  2. En aquella época no (ser/nosotros)   conscientes de nuestro comportamiento.irregular verb, 1st person plural: seréramosAt that time, we were unaware of our behaviour.
  3. El año pasado (ir/tú)   a clases de alemán.irregular verb, 2nd person singular: iribasLast year, you went to German classes.
  4. En mi instituto no (haber), 3rd person singular ending: -ía
    the past tense of haber (hay/había) is always used in the singular, even when it refers to a plural noun.
    There were no computers at my school.
  5. Los automóviles no (existir)   en el siglo, 3rd person plural ending: -íanCars didn’t exist in the 17th century.