Preterite Perfect – Free Exercise

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Regular verbs. Type in the verbs in the preterite perfect.

  1. En cuanto (dejar/ella)   de fumar, Cristina se sintió como nueva.verb haber in the indefinido, 3rd person singular + ar-participleAs soon as Cristina had quit smoking, she felt like a new person.
  2. Tan pronto como (coger/yo)   al bebé en mis brazos, entró la enfermera para llevárselo.verb haber in the indefinido, 1st person singular + er-participleI had just started holding the baby when the nurse arrived to take it away.
  3. Una vez (vaciar/ellos)   sus vasos, se levantaron al unísono.verb haber in the indefinido, 3rd person plural + ar-participleAfter they had emptied their glasses, they all stood up at once.
  4. La multitud se dispersó apenas (llegar)   la policía.verb haber in the indefinido, 3rd person singular + ar-participleThe crowd dispersed as soon as the police had arrived.
  5. En cuanto (leer/yo)   la noticia, salí corriendo.verb haber in the indefinido, 1st person singular + er-participleAs soon as I had read the message, I hurried off.

Irregular verbs. Type in the verbs in the preterite perfect.

  1. Apenas (abrir/yo)   la puerta, la sirena se puso a sonar.verb haber in the indefinido, 1st person singular + irregular participle formI had hardly opened the door when the alarm went off.
  2. En cuanto (descubrir/ellos)   el barco, llamaron a la guardia costera.verb haber in the indefinido, 3rd person plural + irregular participle formAs soon as they had found the boat, they called the coastguard.
  3. Una vez (ver/nosotros)   de qué se trataba, corrimos a contároslo.verb haber in the indefinido, 1st person plural + irregular participle formOnce we had seen what was going on, we ran off to tell you.
  4. Apenas (morir)   el dictador, la gente salió a celebrarlo.verb haber in the indefinido, 3rd person singular + irregular participle formThe dictator had hardly died before the people went out to celebrate it.
  5. En cuanto (volver/vosotros)   de vuestro viaje, fuimos a visitaros.verb haber in the indefinido, 2nd person plural + irregular participle formAs soon as you had returned from your journey, we came to visit you.