Future Perfect – Free Exercise

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Regular verbs. Complete the sentences with the futuro compuesto (future perfect) of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Si no te he llamado a las diez será seguramente porque (tener/yo)   algún impedimento.1st person singular of haber in futuro simple + ido-participleIf I haven’t called you by 10, something will have come up.
  2. Si no se han puesto en contacto con vosotros es porque no (llegar/ellas)   todavía.3rd person plural of haber in futuro simple + ado-participleIf they still haven’t got in touch with you, they won’t have arrived yet.
  3. Seguramente la función (acabar)   ya.3rd person singular of haber in futuro simple + ado-participleI’m sure the event will have finished by now.
  4. Para entonces ya (salir/tú)   del trabajo.2nd person singular of haber in futuro simple + ido-participleBy then you’ll already have left work.
  5. Creo que esta vez todos nosotros (aprender)   la lección.1st person plural of haber in futuro simple + ido-participleI think we’ve all learnt our lesson this time.

Irregular verbs. Complete the sentences with the futuro compuesto (future perfect) of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Me imagino que tu hermano lo (decir)   en broma.3rd person singular of haber in futuro simple + irregular participle
    I think your brother will have said that as a joke.
  2. Supongo que ya (poner/tú)   la mesa.2nd person singular of haber in futuro simple + irregular participle
    I assume you have already set the table.
  3. ¿No (abrir/vosotros)   esa caja, verdad?2nd person plural of haber in futuro simple + irregular participle
    You won’t have opened that box, will you?
  4. Para cuando lleguéis ya (hacer/nosotros)   todo el trabajo.1st peron plural of haber in futuro simple + irregular participle
    By the time you get here, we’ll have finished all the work.
  5. Aún no (descubrir/ellos)   cómo llegar hasta aquí.3rd person plural of haber in futuro simple + irregular participle
    They won’t have figured out how to get here yet.

All verbs. Complete the sentences with the futuro compuesto (future perfect) of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Eso no puede ser. ¿No (nosotros/equivocarse)   con los cálculos?1st person plural of haber in futuro simple + ado-participle
    reflexive pronoun (nos) comes before the auxiliary
    This can’t be right. We couldn’t have miscalculated, could we?
  2. Para cuando acabe la faena tú ya (preparar)   la comida.2nd person singular of haber in futuro simple + ado-participleBy the time I’ve finished my work, you will have already cooked the meal.
  3. ¿Quién (escribir)   semejante tontería?3rd person singular of haber in futuro simple, + irregular participle
    Who would have written such a stupid thing?
  4. ¡A saber dónde (vosotros/meterse)  !2nd person plural of haber in futuro simple + ido-participle
    reflexive pronoun (os) comes before the auxiliary
    I’d like to know where you’ve been!
  5. Luis y Carla no están en casa. (salir/ellos)   a dar una vuelta.3rd pesron plural of haber in futuro simple + ido-participleLuis and Carla aren’t home. They must have gone for a walk.