Progressive Tense – Free Exercise

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Regular forms. Type in the verbs in their progressive form (estar + gerundio).

  1. Siempre (comer/ellos)   chucherías.3rd person plural of estar + gerundioThey’re always eating sweets.
  2. Últimamente (pensar/yo)   mucho en Carlos.1st person singular of estar + gerundioLately I’ve been thinking about Carlos a lot.
  3. Ahora mismo (salir/nosotros)   de casa.1st person plural of estar + gerundioWe are just leaving the house right now.
  4. (Llover)   a mares.3rd person singular of estar + gerundioIt’s raining cats and dogs.
  5. - ¿Qué hacéis?
    - (ver/nosotros)   una película.1st person plural of estar + gerundioWhat are you doing? - We’re watching a film right now.

Exceptions. Type in the verbs in their progressive form (estar + gerundio).

  1. No me gusta que me interrumpan mientras (leer/yo)  .emphasises the progression of an actionI don’t like to be interrupted while I’m reading.
  2. Hay mucho ruido. No entiendo lo que el presentador (decir)  .emphasises the progression of an actionIt’s very loud. I can’t understand what the moderator’s saying.
  3. Las plantas (morirse)   porque no las riegas.emphasises the progression of an actionThe plants are dying because you don’t water them.
  4. Es muy tarde. ¿Por qué no (dormir/tú)  ?emphasises the progression of an actionIt’s very late. Why aren’t you sleeping?
  5. (divertirse/yo)   como un niño.emphasises the progression of an actionI’m having fun like a kid.

Mix. Type in the verbs in their progressive form (estar + gerundio).

  1. Mis amigos y yo (escuchar)   el nuevo disco de Vicente Amigo.emphasises the progression of an actionMy friends and I are listening to the new album by Vicente Amigo.
  2. Juan siempre (discutir)   con cualquier persona.emphasises the regularity of an actionJuan is always debating with someone.
  3. (yo/oír)   como van llegando los motoristas a la ciudad.emphasises the progression of an actionI can hear the motorcyclists arriving in the city.
  4. Mientras (vosotros/escribir)   la lista, yo ordeno la estantería.emphasises the progression of an actionWhile you make the list, I’ll organise the shelf.
  5. (yo/ir)   de camino a tu casa.emphasises the progression of an actionI am on the way to your house.