Conditional Clauses – Free Exercise

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First conditional (real condition)
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

  1. Si (yo/perderse)  , te llamaré.presente de indicativo in the si-clause; futuro de indicativo in the main clauseIf I lose my way, I’ll call you.
  2. Si (vosotros/ayudar)   a los vecinos con la mudanza, tenéis que ayudarme a mí también.presente de indicativo in the si-clause; futuro de indicativo in the main clauseIf you help the neighbours move, you ought to help me too.
  3. Si (tú/querer)   a alguien, tienes que decírselo.presente de indicativo in the si-clause; presente de indicativo in the main clause.If you love someone, you have to tell them.
  4. Si (vosotros/comer)   muchos caramelos, os pondréis enfermos.presente de indicativo in the si-clause; futuro de indicativo in the main clauseIf you eat too many sweets, you will get sick.
  5. Si (ellos/no tener)   dinero, saben a quién preguntar.presente de indicativo in the si-clause; presente de indicativo in the main clauseIf they don’t have any money, they know who to ask.

Second Conditional (unreal condition in the present)
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Si tú quisieses, (poder)   tener el trabajo de tus sueños.Imperfecto de subjuntivo in the si-clause, condicional simple in the main clause.If you wanted, you could have the job of your dreams.
  2. Si la Tierra (ser)   cuadrada, nosostros (tener)   un horizonte puntiagudo.Imperfecto de subjuntivo in the si-clause, condicional simple in the main clause.If the Earth were a cube, the horizon would have corners.
  3. Si tú me (mentir)  , yo lo sabría.Imperfecto de subjuntivo in the si-clause, condicional simple in the main clause.If you lied to me, I would know.
  4. Si vosotros (cocinar)   más a menudo, conoceríais los utensilios.Imperfecto de subjuntivo in the si-clause, condicional simple in the main clause.If you cooked more often, you’d be familiar with the appliances.
  5. Si papá (enterarse)   de esta tontería, (enfadarse)  .Imperfecto de subjuntivo in the si-clause, condicional simple in the main clause.If Papa learned about this foolishness, he would get mad.

Unreal condition (past)
Complete the sentences.

  1. Si tu (me/llamar)  , habría venido.Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo in the si-clause, condicional compuesto in the main clause.If you had called me, I would have come.
  2. Si yo no hubiese ido al coro, yo (no/encontrarse)   a Pedro.Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo in the si-clause, condicional compuesto in the main clause.If I hadn’t gone to chorus rehearsal, I wouldn’t have met Pedro.
  3. Si las gallinas (poner)   huevos, habríamos hecho tortilla de patata.Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo in the si-clause, condicional compuesto in the main clause.If the hens had laid any eggs, we would have made a potato omelette.
  4. Si hubiésemos tenido suerte, nosotros (ganar)   la carrera.Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo in the si-clause, condicional compuesto in the main clause.If we had been lucky, we would have won the cruise.
  5. Si Lorenzo y Tomás (dormir)   más tiempo, no habrían tenido el accidente.Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo in the si-clause, condicional compuesto in the main clause.If Lorenzo and Tomás had slept longer, they wouldn’t have had an accident.