ser and estar – Free Exercise

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Use ser and estar to complete the sentence pairs.

  1. → Diana embarazada. ¡Qué buena noticia!Temporary state → estarDiana is pregnant. What great news!
    → Roberto mucho más alto que tú.Inherent physical characteristic → serRoberto is much taller than you.
  2. → En una semana ya verano.Season → serIt’s summer next week.
    → ¿En qué mes ?Asking about the month in the plural → estarWhat month is it?
  3. → La mesa de mi salón hecha de papel.talking about what something is made from using the participle, signal word: hechaestarMy living room table is made out of paper.
    → Dicen que la corona de los reyes de oro puro.Innate material → serThey say that the royal crown is made of solid gold.
  4. → Mi abuelo viudo desde hace treinta años.Relationship status viudoser
    Normally estar expresses relationship status, but viudo is an exception that takes estar.
    My grandad has been a widower for thirty years.
    → Mi hermano casado con la hermana de mi novio.Relationship status → estarMy brother is married to my boyfriend’s sister.
  5. → El teatro muy cerca de tu casa.Geographical location → estarThe theatre is very close to your house.
    → La obra a las siete. ¡No te olvides!Time of an event → serThe play is at seven o’clock. Don’t forget!

Complete the sentences with the conjugated form of ser and estar.

  1. El concierto   el sábado, no el viernes.Date of an event → ser
    3rd person singular
    The concert is on Saturday, not Friday.
  2. Tus gafas del sol   en el garaje.Geographical location → estar
    1st person plural
    Your sunglasses are in the garage.
  3. Todos mis antiguos juguetes ahora   de mi hermano pequeño.Possession → ser
    3rd person plural
    All of my old toys are now my little brother’s.
  4. El precio de las gambas en Navidad   por las nubes.Temporary state: en Navidadestar
    3rd person singular
    The price of prawns is sky high at Christmas.
  5. Mi cita en el dentista   a las siete y media de la mañana.Time → ser
    3rd person singular
    My dentist appointment is at half past seven in the morning.
  6. ¿Sabes a cuánto   los fresones?Price with the preposition aestar
    3rd person plural
    Do you know how much the strawberries are?
  7. ¡Mañana   viernes!Day of the week → ser
    3rd person singular
    Tomorrow is Friday!
  8. El alquiler de mi piso   bastante más barato que el tuyo.Price (without a preposition) → ser
    3rd person singular
    The rent for my flat is a lot cheaper than yours.
  9. Todos mis primos ya   casados.Relationship status → estar
    3rd person plural
    All of my cousins are already married.
  10. En esta pizzería, todas las pizzas   caseras.Identifying characteristic → ser
    3rd person plural
    In this pizzeria, all the pizzas are homemade.