pero, sino, si no – Free Exercise

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Complete the sentences below with pero, sino or si no.

  1. Los ojos del gato no son grises amarillos. Affirming one concept by negating another → sinoThe cat’s eyes are’t grey but yellow.
  2. María no viene al cine, Julia sí. Contrasting two different concepts → peroMaría isn’t coming to the cinema, but Julia is.
  3. No nos iremos de vacaciones en julio en agosto. Affirming one concept by negating another → sinoWe aren’t going on holiday in July but in August.
  4. quieres ir al teatro, avisa a Marina. Condition resulting in a course of action → si noIf you don’t want to go to the theatre, let Marina know.
  5. Hemos estudiado mucho para el examen, ha sido muy difícil. Contrasting two different concepts → peroWe studied a lot for the exam but it was difficult.
  6. Las cerezas no se recogen en julio en junio. Affirming one concept by negating another → sinoWe don’t collect cherries in July but in June.

Write the missing word in the following sentences. Choose between pero, sino, or si no.

  1. El paquete de correos llegó ayer,   yo no estaba en casa. Contrasting two different ideas → peroThe parcel arrived yesterday, but I wasn’t at home.
  2. Quiero pintar la pared del salón de amarillo;  , se verá muy triste. Condition that has a course of action as a result → si noI want to paint the living room wall yellow; if I don’t, it will look sad.
  3. A todos mis amigos les gusta la playa,   yo prefiero la montaña. Contrasting two different ideas → peroAll my friends like the beach, but I prefer the mountains.
  4. La paella no es típica de Cadiz   de Valencia. Affirming one concept by negating another → sinoPaella isn’t typical of Cadiz, but of Valencia.
  5.   salgo inmediatamente, perderé el tren. Condition that has a course of action as a result → si noIf I don’t leave right now I’ll miss the train.
  6. Mi hermana no estudia psicología   sociología. Affirming one concept by negating another → sinoMy sister isn’t studying psychology but sociology.