manifestar/demostrar – Free Exercise

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Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs manifestarse and demostrar.

  1. Luciana su desacuerdo sobre el viaje de fin de curso.expressing an opinion → manifestarLuciana expressed her disagreement about the trip at the end of the course.
  2. El diputado su inocencia presentando sus ingresos ante el juez.proof with evidence → demostrarThe MP proved his innocence by presenting his income to the judge.
  3. Un laboratorio mexicano que existe cura para esa enfermedad.proof with evidence → demostrarA Mexican lab has proved that a cure for that illness exists.
  4. Más de 15.000 en las calles de Madrid.act of protest → manifestarseMore than 15,000 people protested on the streets of Madrid.
  5. La policía trata de que la coartada del acusado es falsa.proof with evidence → demostrarThe police are trying to prove that the suspect’s alibi is false.

Complete the following sentences.

  1. La salió de la estación de Atocha y llegó hasta la Plaza del Sol.act of public protest → manifestaciónThe protest started at Atocha station and went until the Plaza del Sol.
  2. El objetivo del proyecto era la validez del medicamento.scientific proof → demostrarThe objective of the project was to prove the validity of the medicine.
  3. Tras en la reunión la inconformidad con el reglamento, el director tuvo que dimitir.expressing an opinion → manifestarAfter expressing disagreement with the rules at the meeting, the director had to step down.
  4. El laboratorio no pudo la eficacia de la vacuna y perdió la financiación.(lack of) scientific proof → demostrarThe lab couldn’t prove the effectiveness of the vaccine and lost funding.
  5. El teorema de Pitágoras la relación entre los lados de un triángulo rectángulo.proof of a scientific theory → demostrarPythagoras’ theorem proved the relation between the sides of a right-angled triangle.

Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of manifestar or demostrar.

  1. La (noun)   tuvo una gran influencia en las elecciones.act of public protest → manifestaciónThe protest had a big influence on the elections.
  2. La junta directiva (verb, preterite)   su oposición absoluta.expressing an opinion → manifestarThe board of directors expressed their total opposition.
  3. La (noun)   se llevó a cabo en un laboratorio de Suiza ante expertos de todo mundo.scientific proof → demostraciónThe proof took place in a lab in Switzerland in front of experts from all over the world.
  4. Los (noun)   llevaron pancartas y repartieron panfletos para informar al resto de transeúntes.people who participate in a protest → manifestantesThe protesters carried signs and handed out pamphlets to inform the other passersby.
  5. El experimento (verb, preterite)   que la enfermedad por fin tenía cura.scientific proof with evidence → demostrarThe experiment proved that there is finally a cure for the illness.