de and desde – Free Exercise

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Complete the following text about Alexandra with the correct preposition: de or desde.

Alexandra es una chica 19 años Madrid.1. Type
2. Origin
Alexandra is a 19-year-old girl from Madrid.

Estudia ingeniería industrial en la Universidad Politécnica el año pasado.Time point when an action startedShe has been studying industrial engineering at the Polytechnic University since last year.

Va a todas partes en su bicicleta montaña porque siempre lleva mucha prisa.TypeShe goes everywhere on her bike because she’s always in a hurry.

8 la mañana a 2 la tarde tiene clase en la facultad.1. Time marker de ...+ a ...
2. Time marker de la mañana
3. Time marker de la tarde
From 8 in the morning to 2 in the afternoon she has class at the uni.

A la hora comer se toma un bocadillo tortilla en la cafetería.1. Typical time expression
2. Type
At lunch time she has a tortilla sandwich in the cafeteria.

las 3 y media hasta las 5 va a clase Yoga en un gimnasio barrio.1. Time marker desde ...+ hasta ...
2. Type
3. Origin
From half past three until five she goes to a yoga class in a local gym.

Lo practica los quince años.Time point when an action startedShe’s been practising yoga since she was fifteen.

allí, va directamente a la biblioteca y estudia un par de horas.Place of originFrom there, she goes directly to the library and studies for a couple of hours.

Cerca la biblioteca hay un cine antiguo.Allí queda con sus amigas los martes por la noche.Preposition of place cerca deNear the library there’s an old cinema. She meets some friends there on Monday nights.

Antes volver a casa, cena con sus padres.Preposition of time antes deBefore going home, she has dinner with her parents.

Viven en un antiguo apartamento cerca la Plaza Mayor.Preposition of place cerca deThey live in an old apartment near the Plaza Mayor.

que Alexandra vive sola, intenta visitarlos un rato todos los días.Time point when an action startedSince Alexandra has lived alone she tries to visit them for a little while every day.

allí vuelve directamente a casa con su bici. Vive en Malasaña, en un quinto piso sin ascensor.Point of originFrom there she goes straight home on her bike. She lives in Malasaña, in the fifth floor with no lift.

Sube la bicicleta por las escaleras todos los días. Por suerte, es aluminio y no pesa nada.MaterialShe carries her bike up the stairs every day. Luckily it’s aluminium, so it barely weighs anything.