Location of Adverbs – Free Exercise

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Is the adverb in the correct location? (You can see the correct answer for the wrong sentences when you hover over the speech bubble on the answer page.)

1. He puesto allí tus libros.

This word order puts more emphasis on the books than on their location.I put your books there.

2. Yo había ya visto esta película.

Yo había visto ya esta película. OR Yo ya había visto esta película.||The adverb doesn’t come between the helping verb and the full verb.I had already seen this film.

3. Todos nos equivocamos a veces.

Placement of adverbs in Spanish is very flexible.We all make mistakes sometimes.

4. El examen me salió bien muy.

El examen me salió muy bien.||Adverbs that refer to an adjective or another adverb come in front of the adjective or adverb in question.The exam went very well for me.

5. Voy a rápidamente ir a comprar leche.

Voy a ir rápidamente a comprar leche.||The adverb doesn’t come between the helping verb and the full verb.I’m going to quickly buy some milk.

6. Seguramente Carlos vendrá a la fiesta.

Placement of adverbs in Spanish is very flexible.Carlos will surely come to the party.

7. El ratón se ha debajo escondido de la mesa.

El ratón se ha escondido debajo de la mesa.||The adverb doesn’t come between the helping verb and the full verb.The mouse hid under the table.