Imperfect or Preterite – Free Exercise

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Regular and irregular verbs. Complete the gaps using the imperfect of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Cuando era pequeña me (encantar)   ir a patinar.-ar verb
    3rd person singular: -aba
    When I was a child, I used to love going ice-skating.
  2. ¿(Estudiar/tú)   al mismo tiempo que (trabajar)  ?-ar verbs
    2nd person singular: -abas
    Were you studying and working at the same time?
  3. Siempre nos acordamos de cuando (ir)   de excursión a Sierra Nevada.irregular verb
    1st person plural: íbamos
    We always remember the time we took a trip to the Sierra Nevada.
  4. Antes nunca (tener/vosotros)   tiempo libre.-er verb
    2nd person plural: -íais
    You never used to have any free time.
  5. Mi hermana pequeña (ser)   la nieta favorita de mi abuela.irregular verb
    3rd person singular: era
    My little sister was my grandmother’s favourite grandchild.

Regular and irregular verbs. Complete the sentences using the preterite of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Nuria y Marcos (pedir)   un préstamo para comprar la casa.-ir verb with a spelling change in the stem of the 3rd person singular and plural: ei
    3rd person plural → -ieron
    Nuria and Marcos have applied for a loan to buy a house.
  2. El otro día Guillermo y yo (ir)   al cine del barrio.irregular verb
    1st person plural: fuimos
    The other day, Guillermo and I went to the local cinema.
  3. Ayer (llover)   tanto que (inundarse)   el garaje.1. -er verb
    3rd person singular: -ió
    2. reflexive -ar verb
    3rd person singular:
    the reflexive pronoun se comes before the verb
    Yesterday it rained so much that the garage flooded.
  4. Mi vecino (comprarse)   su televisión nueva en la tienda de la esquina.reflexive -ar verb
    3rd person singular:
    the reflexive pronoun se comes before the verb
    My neighbour bought his new TV from the shop on the corner.
  5. Los profesores ya te (decir)   que estudiases más.stem-changing verb: decirdij-
    3rd person plural: -eron
    The teachers already told you that you should study more.

Choose between the imperfect and the preterite to complete the gaps in the text.

El año pasado, mi hermano Gregorio y yo a Noruega. signal: el año pasado → preteriteLast year, my brother Gregorio and I moved to Norway.

Los primeros meses un poco difíciles porque no el idioma y la cultura muy extraña para nosotros.1. past situation with a specified duration (signal: los primeros meses) → preterite
2. & 3. describing the circumstances around a past situation → imperfect
The first months were a bit difficult because we didn’t know the language and the culture was very strange to us.

Mi hermano trabajo bastante rápido en una oficina de turismo y sus compañeros nos a buscar un piso agradable para los dos. 1. & 2. sequential, one-time past actions (first he found a job, then they found the flat) → preteriteMy brother found a job at a tourism office quite quickly and his colleagues helped us look for a nice flat for the two of us.

Yo a clases de inglés y noruego en una past action → preteriteI signed up for English and Norwegian classes at an academy.

Al cabo de un tiempo, todo . nuevos amigos y al clima y al ritmo de vida del país.1., 2. & 3. sequence of one-time past actions → preteriteAfter a while, everything got better. We made new friends and got used to the weather and the rhythm of this country’s way of life.

Después de unos meses, una tienda de ropa de segunda mano y mi hermano a trabajar conmigo.1. & 2. sequence of one-time past actions → preteriteAfter a few months, I opened a second-hand clothes shop and my brother started working with me.

dividirnos las tareas: él de la publicidad y de conseguir clientes y yo en la tienda.1. one-time past action → preterite
2. & 3. past habits → imperfect
We decided to split up the tasks: he was in charge of marketing and getting customers and I worked at the shop.

La tienda muy popular rápidamente y en poco tiempo todo el mundo la y de ella. 1. one-time past occurrence → preterite
2. conocer means be familiar with in this context → imperfect
(in the preterite conocer means meet)
3. ongoing past action → imperfect
The shop became very popular very quickly and after a short time everyone knew of it and was speaking about it.

Gregorio la idea de sacar un catálogo semanal con las prendas nuevas que por correo a nuestros clientes.1. one-off past action → preterite
2. repeated past action (signal: semanal) → imperfect
Gregorio had the idea of releasing a weekly catalogue with the new items that we sent to our customers by post.

Tomar la decisión de irnos a Noruega difícil pero a día de hoy no nos arrepentimos en absoluto. ¡Nos encanta nuestra nueva vida!one-time past action → preteriteMaking the decision to move to Norway was difficult but we don’t regret it at all. We love our new life!