Relative Pronouns – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct relative pronoun.

  1. Este es el libro estoy leyendo.Antecedent of the relative pronoun = object → queThis is the book that I’m reading.
  2. Admiro mucho a trabajan voluntariamente para ayudar a los demás.Antecedent of the relative pronoun = person (plural) → quienes, los queI very much admire those who work voluntarily to help others.
  3. Este es el plató en se rodó la película de Almodóvar.Relative clause introduced by a preposition → el cualThis is the movie set on which Almodóvar’s film was made.
  4. Marta, hermano vive en Chile, se va a mudar allí pronto.Antecedent of the relative pronoun = indicator of possession (the following noun is masculine) → cuyoMarta, whose brother lives in Chile, is going to move there soon.
  5. Los niños, jugaban en la calle, no vieron el accidente.Antecedent of the relative pronoun = person (plural) → los cuales, quienes, queThe children who were playing in the street didn’t see the accident.

Type in the correct relative pronoun. Sometimes there will be more than one correct answer.

  1. Hablaron de temas   conozco muy bien.antecedent = object → que. It’s a defining clause, therefore que is preferred here.They spoke about subjects that I am very familiar with.
  2. Mis primas,   no son muy simpáticas, no vendrán a nuestra fiesta. .antecedent = person (feminine), non-defining clause → que, las cuales, quienesMy cousins, who aren’t very nice, won’t be coming to our party.
  3. Ahí está la tienda   compro verduras ecológicas.antecedent → donde, en la que, en la cualThere’s the shop where/in which I buy organic vegetables.
  4. Ese es el chico   vi en el concierto.antecedent = person (masculine) → que, al que. It’s a defining clause, therefore que is preferred here.That’s the boy whom I saw yesterday at the concert.
  5. Hace tiempo que no sé nada de ella,   me preocupa mucho.relative pronoun refers to the entire clause → lo que, lo cualI haven’t heard from her in a long time, which worries me.
  6. Isabel Coixet,   películas me encantan, es una directora de cine española.antecedent = indicator of possession (following noun is feminine plural) → cuyasIsabel Coixet, whose films I adore, is a Spanish director.

Type in the correct relative pronoun along with the suggested preposition.

  1. Los lápices (con)   dibujo son muy caros. Antecedent = object (plural), dibujar con con los que. It’s not an explicative sentence, therefore con los cuales is not often used in this context.The pencils with which I draw are very expensive.
  2. Me olvidé (de)   te quería decir.The relative pronoun refers to the entire clause, olvidarse dede lo queI’ve forgotten what I wanted to tell you.
  3. El país (a)   voy a viajar es muy peligroso. Antecedent = object, viajar aal que. It’s not an explicative sentence, therefore al cual is not often used in this context.The country to which I will travel is very dangerous.
  4. Las personas (para)   trabaja son muy amables.Antecedent = person (plural), trabajar parapara las que, para quienes. It’s not an explicative sentence, therefore para los cuales is not often used in this context.The people for whom s/he works are very nice.
  5. Los afectados por la crisis, (entre)   me encuentro, ya son millones.Antecedent = person (plural), encontrarse entre, explicative sentence → entre los que, entre los cuales, entre quienes.Those affected by the crisis, including myself, can be counted in millions.
  6. El nuevo compañero de piso, (de)   no sé mucho, ha traído ya sus muebles. Antecedent = object, saber de, explicative sentence → del que, del cual, de quienThe new roommate, whom I don’t know much about, has already moved in his furniture.