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If you’re planning a trip to a Spanish-speaking country, it’s better to be prepared.

This page will teach you ten practical words that will make your time at the airport much easier.

Memorise the list of words using the colourful image, then do the vocabulary tests to check your knowledge. Listen to how these words are used in a real Spanish dialogue in the listening comprehension section.

En el aeropuerto

  1. el aviónplane
  2. la puerta de embarquegate
  3. el pasaportepassport
  4. el pilotopilot
    femenino: la piloto
  5. la azafataflight attendant
    masculino: el azafato
    neutro: el/la
    auxiliar de vuelo
  6. la cinta de equipajesbaggage carousel
  7. el carritotrolley
  8. la tarjeta de embarqueboarding pass
  9. la pista de despegue y aterrizajerunway
  10. la aduanacustoms

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