Cardinal Numbers – Free Exercise

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display incorrect answers


Write the numbers as numerals.

tres →  

veinte →  

dieciocho →  

once →  

cuarenta y nueve →  

Write the numerals as words.

5 →  

14 →  

60 →  

11 →  

91 →  As of 31, units other than 0 are written as separate words and introduced by y

Choose the correct spellings.

13 → the numbers 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 have their own special forms

16 → the numbers 16 to 19 are written as dieci + number = dieciséis

27 → the numbers 21 to 29 are written as veinti + number = veintisiete

35 → as of the number 31, units greater than 0 are written as separate words and introduced by y

72 → as of the number 31, units greater than 0 are written as separate words and introduced by y