Ordinal Numbers – Free Exercise

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Lists: Write the ordinal numbers in words.

¿Por qué como verduras? Te doy cinco buenos motivos:Why should we eat vegetables? I’ll give you five good reasons:

(1º)  , saben bien.Ordinal numbers agree in gender and number with the noun they are describing|motivo: masculine, singularFirst, they taste good.

(2º)  , son muy sanas.Ordinal numbers agree in gender and number with the noun they are describing|motivo: masculine, singularSecond, they’re really healthy.

(3º)  , tienen pocas calorías.Ordinal numbers agree in gender and number with the noun they are describing|motivo: masculine, singularThird, they have hardly any calories.

(4º)  , las cultivo en mi jardín.Ordinal numbers agree in gender and number with the noun they are describing|motivo: masculine, singularFourth, I grow them in my garden.

(5º)  , se pueden comer de muchas maneras: hervidas, a la brasa, o crudas.Fifth, you can eat them in many different ways: boiled, grilled or raw.]|Ordinal numbers agree in gender and number with the noun they are describing|motivo: masculine, singular

Titles: Write the ordinal numbers in words.

  1. Carlos I → Carlos  .In Spanish, titles are written as roman numerals and read as ordinal numbers.
  2. Isabel II → Isabel  .In Spanish, titles are written as roman numerals and read as ordinal numbers.
  3. Alfonso X el Sabio → Alfonso   el Sabio.In Spanish, titles are written as roman numerals and read as ordinal numbers.
  4. Enrique VIII → Enrique  .In Spanish, titles are written as roman numerals and read as ordinal numbers.
  5. Felipe VI → Felipe  .In Spanish, titles are written as roman numerals and read as ordinal numbers.

Ranking: Write the ordinal numbers in words. Remember to change the endings to reflect gender and number.

  1. Vivo en la (4º)   planta.Ordinal numbers agree in gender and number with the noun they describe|planta: feminine, singularI live on the fourth floor.
  2. Este es mi (2º)   año de carrera.Ordinal numbers agree in gender and number with the noun they describe|año: masculine, singularThis is my second year at uni.
  3. En la competición, hemos ganado la (15º)  posición.Ordinal numbers agree in gender and number with the noun they describe|posición: feminine, singular|when written as two words, both change their endings; written as one word, only the final word changes its endingWe placed fifteenth in the competition.
  4. Su novia está en el (8º)   mes de embarazo.Ordinal numbers agree in gender and number with the noun they describe|mes: masculine, singularHis girlfriend is in the eighth month of her pregnancy.
  5. En 2021 se celebra el (40º)   aniversario de la serie El Chavo del Ocho.Ordinal numbers agree in gender and number with the noun they describe|aniversario: masculine, singular2021 is the fortieth anniversary of the series El Chavo del Ocho.