Fractions – Free Exercise

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Write the fractions as words.

  1. 7/878  Numerator = cardinal number|Denominator = ordinal number|If the numerator is greater than one, the denominator is plural.
  2. 3/434  Numerator = cardinal number|Denominator = ordinal number|If the numerator is greater than one, the denominator is plural.
  3. 2/323  Numerator = cardinal number|Denominator = ordinal number|If the numerator is greater than one, the denominator is plural.
  4. 10/111011  Numerator = cardinal number|Denominator = ordinal number|If the numerator is greater than one, the denominator is plural.|Denominators greater than 11 are formed by adding the ending -avo to the cardinal number.
  5. 1/616  Numerator = cardinal number|Denominator = ordinal number|If the numerator is greater than one, the denominator is plural.

Complete the gaps with the correct form of the word medio.

  1. 1/212 manzana →   manzana feminine singular noun → mediahalf an apple
  2. 1/212 limón →   limón masculine singular noun→ mediohalf a lemon
  3. 1/212 bocadillo →   bocadillo masculine singular noun → mediohalf a sandwich
  4. 1/212 día →   día masculine singular noun → mediohalf a day
  5. 3/232 pizza → tres   pizzas feminine plural noun → mediasthree pizza halves

Choose the correct forms of the fractions.

  1. Para el bizcocho necesito (5/8)  de litro de leche.Numerator = cardinal number|Denominator = ordinal number|If the numerator is greater than one, the denominator is plural.
  2. El vals es una pieza musical en compás de (3/4)  .Numerator = cardinal number|Denominator = ordinal number|If the numerator is greater than one, the denominator is plural.
  3. Hemos recorrido ya (2/3)  del camino.Numerator = cardinal number|Denominator = ordinal number|If the numerator is greater than one, the denominator is plural.
  4. Date prisa, nuestro autobús sale en (1/4)  de hora.Numerator = cardinal number|Denominator = ordinal number|If the numerator is greater than one, the denominator is plural.
  5. ¿Me puedes traer, por favor, (1/3)  de kilo de patatas?Numerator = cardinal number|Denominator = ordinal number|If the numerator is greater than one, the denominator is plural.