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Complete the sentences with the correct verb of becoming: ponerse, quedarse, volverse, convertirse, hacerse, llegar a ser.
- El profesor me hizo una pregunta difícil y me he rojo.sudden physical change → ponerseThe teacher asked me a difficult question and I blushed.
- Mi mejor amiga ha estudiado derecho y se ha abogada.change of profession, the subject participated actively in the change → hacerseMy best friend studied law and became a lawyer.
- Lara quiere presidenta del país.long-term, gradual change that is positive → llegar a serLara wants to become president.
- Mi hermana se ha embarazada de gemelos.result of a temporary change of state → quedarseMy sister got pregnant with identical twins.
- El líquido de la botella se en oro por arte de magia.radical, magical transformation → convertirseThe liquid in the bottle turned into gold by magic.
- Marina se muy desconfiada con los años.passive change in a person's characteristic → volverseMarina has become very suspicious over the years.