Modal Verbs – Free Exercise

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Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb.

  1. - estudiar veterinaria porque me gustan los animales.WishI want to study to be a vet because I love animals.
    - estudiar veterinaria porque me han aceptado en la universidad.Possibility/permissionI can study to be a vet because the university has accepted me.
  2. -Tomás llegar muy puntual al trabajo.HabitTomás usually arrives on time for work.
    -Tomás avisar a su jefe de que llega tarde.ObligationTomás has to tell his boss that he was late.
  3. -¿ pisar la alfombra con los zapatos?PermissionCan I walk on the carpet in my shoes?
    -¿ inscribirse con antelación para el viaje de fin de curso?Necessity/general obligationDo we have to register in advance for the trip at the end of the course?
  4. - aprender a tocar el piano desde que era niño.WishI’ve wanted to learn to play the piano since I was a child.
    - tocar el piano cuando tengo mucho estrés.HabitI usually play the piano when I’m stressed.
  5. -Mi prima visitar a su familia en Navidad porque tiene vacaciones.PossibilityMy cousin can visit her family at Christmas because she has holidays.
    -Mi prima comprar el billete de avión pronto para sea barato.WishMy cousin wants to buy her plane ticket soon so that it’s cheap.

Rephrase the sentences with the affirmative or negative form of the verbs deber, querer, poder, saber and soler so that they express the opposite of the original sentences.

  1. Maribel no quiere ir al cine esta noche.
    → Maribel   al cine esta noche.Maribel doesn’t want to go to the cinema tonight.
    → Maribel wants to go to the cinema tonight.
  2. Maribel suele tomar un yogur de postre.
    → Maribel   un yogur de postre.Maribel usually has a yoghurt for dessert.
    → Maribel doesn’t usually have a yoghurt for dessert.
  3. Ricardo puede elegir la hora a la que empieza a trabajar.
    → Ricardo   la hora a la que empieza a trabajar.Ricardo can choose what time he starts work.
    → Ricardo can’t choose what time he starts work.
  4. Carla no sabe tocar la guitarra.
    → Carla   la guitarra.Carla can’t play the guitar.
    → Carla can play the guitar.
  5. No puedo ver esta película para mayores de 18 años.
      esta película para mayores de 18 años.I can’t watch this film for over-18s.
    → I can watch this film for over-18s.
  6. Debo devolver los libros de la biblioteca antes de 15 días.
      los libros de la biblioteca más tarde de 15 días.I have to return the books to the library within 15 days.
    → I can’t return the books to the library later than 15 days.

Choose the correct form of haber que or tener que to complete the sentences.

  1. recoger la ropa de la terraza antes de que llueva.Obligation for someone in particularWe have to get the clothes from the terrace before it rains.
  2. comer cinco piezas de fruta y verdura al día.Recommendation for general healthYou have to eat five pieces of fruit and veg per day.
  3. ir al dentista al menos una vez al año.General recommendationYou have to go to the dentist at least once a year.
  4. Esta tarde ir a comprar comida para los gatos.Obligation for someone in particular.This afternoon you have to buy food for the cats.
  5. No preparar nada para mi fiesta de cumpleaños.Lack of obligation for someone in particularYou don’t have to prepare anything for my birthday party.