Reflexive Verbs – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct reflexive pronoun.

  1. aburro como una ostra.1st person singular: reflexive pronoun = meI’m bored to death. (literally: bored as an oyster)
  2. En este local reunimos todas las semanas para cantar.1st person plural: reflexive pronoun = nosWe meet at this bar every week to sing.
  3. Mis hermanas pequeñas siempre quejan por todo.3rd person plural: reflexive pronoun = seMy little sisters always complain about everything.
  4. ¿ das cuenta de lo que has hecho?2nd person singular: reflexive pronoun = teDo you realise what you’ve done?
  5. No hace falta que preocupéis por nada.2nd person plural: reflexive pronoun = osIt’s not necessary for you to be worried.

Choose the correct reflexive pronouns.

  1. Este fin de semana bañaré en la playa.1st person singular = meThis weekend I’m going swimming in the sea.
  2. María y Juan levantan temprano todos los días.3rd person plural = seMaría and Juan get up early every day.
  3. aburrimos mucho en clase de historia.1st person plural = nosWe get very bored in history class.
  4. ¿Por qué vistes así?2nd person singular = teWhy are you dressed like that?
  5. Ayer mi vecino cortó un dedo con un cuchillo.3rd person singular = seYesterday my neighbour cut his finger with a knife.

Complete the sentences with the present tense of the reflexive verbs in brackets.

  1. Siempre (dormirse/tú)   escuchando la radio.2nd person singular: reflexive pronoun = teYou always fall asleep listening to the radio.
  2. La chica del pelo rizado (llamarse)   Laura.3rd person singular: reflexive pronoun = seThe girl with the straight hair is called Laura.
  3. En nuestra asociación (ocuparse)   de personas con discapacidad.1st person plural: reflexive pronoun = teAt our association, we deal with people with disabilities.
  4. Tengo que (irse)   antes de las cuatro de la tarde.1st person singular: reflexive pronoun = meI have to leave before 4 pm.
  5. Si (alejarse/vosotros)   demasiado, avisad.2nd person plural: reflexive pronoun = osIf you go too far away, let us know.

Rewrite the sentences using a different placement for the reflexive pronoun.

Vamos a tomarnos un café en el bar.
Nos vamos a tomar un café en el bar. We’re going to have a coffee at the bar.
  1. ¿Volveremos a vernos?
    → ¿ ?verbal periphrasis: place the reflexive pronoun before the conjugated verb or attach it to the end of the infinitiveWill we see each other again?
  2. Los comentarios de Julio están molestándome.
      los comentarios de Julio.verbal periphrasis: place the reflexive pronoun before the conjugated verb or attach it to the end of the gerundJulio’s comments are bothering me.
  3. Me tienes que mostrar tu colección de maquetas de tren.
      tu colección de maquetas de tren.verbal periphrasis: place the reflexive pronoun before the conjugated verb or attach it to the end of the infinitiveYou have to show me your model train collection.
  4. Daria está quejándose ante la junta de la empresa.
      ante la junta de la empresa.verbal periphrasis: place the reflexive pronoun before the conjugated verb or attach it to the end of the gerundDaria is complaining to the board of directors.
  5. Me debería haber quedado en casa.
      en casa.verbal periphrasis: place the reflexive pronoun before the conjugated verb or attach it to the end of the infinitiveI should have stayed at home.