Infinitive – Free Exercise

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Write the words in parentheses as an infinitive construction.

Use para, antes de or sin.

  1. Ellos han ido a la estación (coger el tren)  .in order to → paraThey went to the station to catch the train.
  2. Él ha plantado un árbol (tener sombra)  .in order to → paraHe planted a tree to have some shade.
  3. Nosotros vamos a hacer la compra (cocinar)  .before → antes deWe’ll go shopping before we cook.
  4. Os habéis ido a la cama (comer/vuestra cena)  .without → sinYou went to bed without eating your dinner.
  5. Os he invitado (enseñar/mi casa)  .in order to → paraI invited you over to see my house.

Write the words in parentheses as an infinitive construction. Don’t forget the prepositions.

  1. (después/hacer)   los deberes, iremos al parque.después de + infinitiveAfter we’ve done our homework, we’ll go to the park.
  2. Ellos me han (prometer/acompañar)   mi amiga.han = signal word for pretérito perfecto
    participle of er-verb: -ido
    acompañar a
    They promised me they would accompany my friend.
  3. No os (olvidar/venir)   mañana a la reunión.olvidar de + infinitiveDon’t forget to come to the meeting tomorrow.
  4. (Soñar/yo/ser)   un actor famoso.soñar con + infinitiveI dream about being a famous actor.
  5. ¿Tienes que (salir/comprar)   fruta?salir a + infinitiveDo you have to go and buy fruit?
  6. Él estaba encantado (ver/nosotros)  .encantar de + infinitiveHe was happy to see us.

Turn the underlined part of the sentence into an infinitive construction.

  1. Has venido pero no me has avisado.
    → Has venido  .sin + infinitiveYou came without telling me.
  2. Vengo porque te acompaño.
    → Vengo  .in order to → para + infinitiveI’m coming to accompany you.
  3. Ellos hacen un fuego con el que se pueden calentar.
    → Ellos hacen un fuego  .in order to → para + infinitiveThey lit a fire to warm themselves.
  4. Él se ha preocupado porque no encontraba su mochila.
    → Él se ha preocupado  .preocuparse por + infinitiveHe was worried because he couldn’t find his bag.
  5. Me alegro de que te haya podido conocer .
    → Me alegro de  .alegrarse de + infinitiveI’m happy to have met you.