Haber/Tener – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct form of haber.

  1. En este piso una habitación libre.impersonal form in PresenteThere is a free room in this flat.
  2. que soportar este calor.haber que + infinitive to express an obligation
    3rd person singular (impersonal form in Futuro simple)
    You’ll have to put up with this heat.
  3. En la fiesta muchos invitados.impersonal form in Pretérito indefinidoThere were lots of guests at the party.
  4. Me encantado ir contigo al concierto.haber as an auxiliary + participle
    3rd person singular Condicional compuesto
    I would have liked to go to the concert with you.
  5. No ninguna mesa vacía en el restaurante.impersonal form in the Pretérito imperfectoThere wasn’t a single free table at the restaurant.

Choose the correct form of tener.

  1. Ellos veinte años. age
    3rd person plural
    We are 20 years old.
  2. Marieta y tú que venir a visitarme.personal form of obligation with tener que + infinitive
    2nd person plural
    You and Marieta have to come and visit me.
  3. Tu padre y yo os dicho que no andéis descalzos.verbal periphrasis with tener + participle for emphasis
    1st person plural
    Your father and I have told you many times that you can’t walk barefoot.
  4. Yo que estudiar más para el examen.personal form of obligation
    1st person singular
    I have to study more for the test.
  5. Francisco un coche nuevo.possession
    3rd person singular
    Francisco has a new car.

Use the present tense forms of haber or tener to complete the sentences.

  1. La madre dijo: «Hoy   pasta para comer.»impersonal form (there is/there are)haber
    3rd person singular → hay
    The mother said, “Today there’s pasta for dinner.”
  2. Yo   una casa nueva en la sierra.ownership → tener
    1st person singular → tengo
    I have a new house in the mountains.
  3. Mis primos   viajado por muchos países durante este año.auxiliary verb in a compound tense → haber
    3rd person plural → han
    My cousins have travelled around many countries this year.
  4. Cuando terminemos de vestirnos, tu hermano y yo   que ir al médico.personal form of obligation → tener
    1st person plural → tenemos
    Once we’ve finished getting dressed, your brother and I have to go to the doctor.
  5. El profesor te   dicho que trabajes más.option 1: auxiliary in a compound tense → haber
    3rd person singular → ha
    option 2: emphasis on the urgency of the matter → tener
    3rd person singular → tiene
    The teacher told you (a thousand times), you have to work harder.