Position of Adjectives – Free Exercise

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Which translation is correct? Pay attention to the position of the adjective.

1. grande

Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” is a great painting.

1st sentence:
gran in front of nouns = great, important
2nd sentence:
grande after nouns = big
Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” is a great painting.

2. antiguo

The museum was next to the former hospital.

1st sentence:
antiguo after nouns = old
2nd sentence:
antiguo before nouns = former
The museum was next to the old hospital. (age)

3. único

It is a unique opportunity.

1st sentence:
único before nouns = only
2nd sentence:
único after nouns = unique
It is the only opportunity.

4. simple

Are you seriously sick, or is it just a cold?

1st sentence:
simple before nouns = just, only
2nd sentence:
simple after nouns = simple, uncomplicated
Are you seriously sick, or is it just a cold?

5. solo

There wasn’t a single woman at the company.

1st sentence:
solo before nouns = single (even just one)
2nd sentence:
solo after nouns = alone, single (unmarried)
There wasn’t a single woman at the company.

Decide which option is correct in the context of each sentence.

1. Todos los asistentes tenían .cierto before nouns = certainAll the participants were of a certain age.

2. El está muy estresado con su nuevo trabajo.pobre before nouns = poor, pitifulPoor Juan is really stressed about his new job.

3. Me he comprado un .Usually the adjective comes after the noun in Spanish.I bought a red car.

4. Aquí nos encontramos ante un .verdadero before nouns = realHere we’ve encountered a real problem.

5. En la montaña podemos respirar .puro after nouns = fresh, pureIn the mountains, we can breathe fresh air.