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When talking about tennis in Spanish everything has its own special name.

This page will teach you ten useful Spanish words related to tennis: memorise the words using the colourful image, then check your knowledge in the vocabulary tests. See how these words are used in a real Spanish text in the reading comprehension section.


  1. la raquetaracquet
  2. la pelota de tenistennis ball
  3. la pista de tenistennis court
  4. la rednet
  5. el juez de silla/los jueces de sillaumpire
    femenino: la jueza de silla
  6. el/la recogepelotasball boy/girl
  7. el juez de línea/los jueces de línealine umpire/line judge
    femenino: la jueza de línea
  8. la zapatilla de deportetrainers/sneakers
  9. la línea de fondobaseline
  10. el marcadorscore/scoreboard

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