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De visita al zoo
El viernes fui de excursión con el colegio al zoo. Algunos de mis compañeros no se entusiasmaron con la visita. Yo, , me puse muy contento; nunca había estado en uno.1. contrasting connective: en cambio introduces a contrasting concept
2. summarising connective: al fin y al cabo concludes the previous ideaOn Friday I went on a class trip to the zoo. Some of my classmates weren’t keen on the visit, but I, on the other hand, was very happy; after all I had never been to one before.
vimos a los leones, que estaban tumbados al sol. Había señales de advertencia por todas partes para que nadie se acercara a la valla; , una chica quiso asomarse y la profesora la regañó.1. sequencing connective: primero introduces the first in a series of actions
2. contrasting connective: sin embargo expresses a contrasting ideaFirst, we saw the lions who were lying in the sun. There were warning signs everywhere so that nobody approached the fence; however, a girl wanted to lean over and the teacher scolded her.
, paseamos junto al recinto de las jirafas. ¡Medían por lo menos seis metros!sequencing connective: después introduces an action that follows anotherAfter that, we walked next to the giraffe enclosure. They were at least 6 metres tall!
Los gorilas estaban en una zona muy verde; : con prado, arbustos, árboles...explanatory connective: o sea clarifies the information in the previous clauseThe gorillas were in a very green area; I mean, there were fields, bushes, trees…
uno de los machos se puso a saltar con las lianas. Estaba llamando nuestra atención.sequencing connective: entonces introduces an action that follows anotherThen, one of the male gorillas started jumping on the vines. He wanted to get our attention.
, pasamos a la zona de las aves exóticas. , apareció un papagayo volando entre nuestras cabezas. , se llevó mi bocadillo de tortilla.sequencing connective: pues bien introduces the next action in a sequenceNext, we went through the exotic birds area. At this point, a parrot appeared flying around our heads. Well, he took my tortilla sandwich.
La visita fue muy entretenida y aprendí mucho; , yo me quedé con hambre.contrasting conjunction: ahora bien expresses a contrast to the information in the previous clauseThe visit was really entertaining and I learned a lot; but now I’m hungry.