Connectives – Free Exercise

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Complete the sentences with the correct connectives.

Instrucciones para instalar una lavadora

  1. , cierre la llave del agua y corte la luz.sequencing connective: antes de nada introduces the action that needs to be done before any othersFirst of all, turn off the tap and disconnect the power.
  2. , quite los tornillos de transporte con una llave inglesa.sequencing connective: para empezar indicates the first step of the installationTo start, take off the transport screws with a wrench
  3. , cubra esos huecos con los tapones que encontrará en la caja.sequencing connective: a continuación introduces an action that follows anotherNext, cover those holes with the plugs that are in the box.
  4. , conecte la lavadora a la red eléctrica.sequencing connective: después introduces an action that follows anotherAfter that, connect the washing machine to the mains supply.
  5. , conecte la entrada de agua enroscando el tubo al grifo de la pared.sequencing connective: entonces introduces an action that follows anotherThen, connect the water inlet by screwing the pipe into the wall.
  6. Conecte la salida de agua de la misma manera.adding connective: también introduces an action that is added to the previous oneConnect the water outlet in the same manner.
  7. , corrija la posición de la lavadora: debe estar equilibrada sobre una superficie plana.sequencing connective: en ese momento locates an action at a time immediately following the previous actionAt this point, correct the position of the washing machine: it must be balanced on a flat surface.
  8. , si está coja, ajuste la altura de las patas del lado que quiera corregir.example connective: así introduces an action that exemplifies the information in the previous clauseSo if it isn’t straight, adjust the height of the legs on the side you want to correct.
  9. , ponga una lavadora con el tambor vacío y sin detergente.sequencing connective: por último introduces the final element in a seriesFinally, put on a wash with an empty drum and no detergent.
  10. , no olvide llevar su vieja lavadora a un punto limpio.digressing connective: por cierto introduces an asideBy the way, don’t forget to take your old washing machine to a recycling point.

Choose the correct connectives to complete the text.

De visita al zoo

El viernes fui de excursión con el colegio al zoo. Algunos de mis compañeros no se entusiasmaron con la visita. Yo, , me puse muy contento; nunca había estado en uno.1. contrasting connective: en cambio introduces a contrasting concept
2. summarising connective: al fin y al cabo concludes the previous idea
On Friday I went on a class trip to the zoo. Some of my classmates weren’t keen on the visit, but I, on the other hand, was very happy; after all I had never been to one before.

vimos a los leones, que estaban tumbados al sol. Había señales de advertencia por todas partes para que nadie se acercara a la valla; , una chica quiso asomarse y la profesora la regañó.1. sequencing connective: primero introduces the first in a series of actions
2. contrasting connective: sin embargo expresses a contrasting idea
First, we saw the lions who were lying in the sun. There were warning signs everywhere so that nobody approached the fence; however, a girl wanted to lean over and the teacher scolded her.

, paseamos junto al recinto de las jirafas. ¡Medían por lo menos seis metros!sequencing connective: después introduces an action that follows anotherAfter that, we walked next to the giraffe enclosure. They were at least 6 metres tall!

Los gorilas estaban en una zona muy verde; : con prado, arbustos, árboles...explanatory connective: o sea clarifies the information in the previous clauseThe gorillas were in a very green area; I mean, there were fields, bushes, trees…

uno de los machos se puso a saltar con las lianas. Estaba llamando nuestra atención.sequencing connective: entonces introduces an action that follows anotherThen, one of the male gorillas started jumping on the vines. He wanted to get our attention.

, pasamos a la zona de las aves exóticas. , apareció un papagayo volando entre nuestras cabezas. , se llevó mi bocadillo de tortilla.sequencing connective: pues bien introduces the next action in a sequenceNext, we went through the exotic birds area. At this point, a parrot appeared flying around our heads. Well, he took my tortilla sandwich.

La visita fue muy entretenida y aprendí mucho; , yo me quedé con hambre.contrasting conjunction: ahora bien expresses a contrast to the information in the previous clauseThe visit was really entertaining and I learned a lot; but now I’m hungry.