Presente/Perfecto – Free Exercise

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Conjugate the verbs in presente.

  1. Martina y Martin (ir)   al gimnasio tres veces a la semana.3rd person plural, irregular verb: ir → vanMartina and Martin go to the gym three times a week.
  2. Todas las mañanas (yo/tomar)   un café con una tostada.1st person singular, -ar verb: -oEvery morning I have a coffee and a piece of toast.
  3. Mis hermanas y yo (ver)   una película en el cine todos los domingos.1st person plural, -er verb: -emosMy sisters and I watch a film at the cinema every Sunday.
  4. Nuestra nevera (estropearse)   cada dos meses.3rd person singular, reflexive -ar verb: se + -aOur fridge stops working every two months.
  5. En verano, el sol (salir)   más temprano que en invierno.3rd person singular, -ir verb: -eIn summer, the sun rises earlier than in winter.

Conjugate the verbs in the pretérito perfecto.

  1. Esta semana, las temperaturas (bajar)   mucho.3rd person plural of haber: han
    + regular past participle of -ar verb: -ado
    The temperatures have dropped a lot this week.
  2. Nunca (yo/viajar)   a una isla.1st person singular of haber: he
    + regular past participle of -ar verb: -ado
    I’ve never travelled to an island.
  3. Mi hermano pequeño (tener)   una pesadilla por la noche.3rd person singular of haber: ha
    + regular past participle of -er verb: -ido
    My little brother had a nightmare in the night.
  4. Mis compañeros de piso y yo (hacer)   un plan de limpieza.1st person plural of haber: hemos
    + irregular past participle: hacer → hecho
    My flatmates and I have made a cleaning rota.
  5. Noelia y tú (alquilar)   un coche para las vacaciones.2nd person plural of haber: habéis
    + regular past participle of -ar verb: -ado
    You and Noelia have rented a car for your holiday.

Complete the pairs of sentences with the presente or the pretérito perfecto.

  1. → El cartero todos los días sobre las diez.presente expresses a repeated action (signal: todos los días)The postman comes every day around ten.
    El cartero aún no .aún no is a signal word for pretérito perfectoThe postman hasn’t been yet.
  2. La película ya .ya is a signal word for pretérito perfectoThe film has already started.
    La película después de los anuncios.presente expresses facts and general truthsThe film starts after the adverts.
  3. Marcos las llaves de casa esta mañana.the time indicator esta … is a signal for pretérito perfectoMarcos has lost his house keys this morning.
    Marcos las llaves cada dos por tres.presente expresses a repeated action (signal: cada dos por tres)Marcos loses his house keys every other day.
  4. Siempre a las siete y media.presente expresses repeated actions (signal: siempre)You always get up at half past seven.
    Hoy a las siete y media.hoy is a signal word for pretérito perfectoYou got up at half past seven this morning.
  5. Lidia y yo por primera vez una fiesta sorpresa para una amiga.pretérito perfecto expresses a completed action that has a connection to the presentLidia and I have organised a surprise party for a friend for the first time.
    Lidia y yo fiestas para una empresa de eventos.presente expresses general truths and factsLidia and I organise parties for an events company.