Past Perfect Subjunctive – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct option.

  1. Me enfadaría si Raquel y tú con retraso.2nd person plural → hubierais llegadoI would be annoyed if you and Raquel had come late.
  2. Dudo que yo te hasta el fin del mundo.1st person singular → hubiera seguidoI’m doubt that I would have followed you to the end of the world.
  3. Imagínate que tus amigos no te .3rd person plural → hubiesen llamadoImagine if your friends hadn’t called you.
  4. Nos habríamos disgustado si la escuela no nos .3rd person singular → hubiese avisadoWe would have been annoyed if the school hadn’t informed us.
  5. Me gustaría que Carla y tú antes.2nd person plural → hubierais venidoI wish that you and Carla had come sooner.

Complete the gaps with the past perfect subjunctive of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Si me (preguntar/tú)  , te lo habría contado.2nd person singular of haber in imperfect subjunctive (hubieras/hubieses) + main verb participle
    -ar becomes -ado in the participle: preguntar → preguntado
    If you had asked me, I would have told you.
  2. Os habríais enterado si (aparecer/vosotros)   antes.2nd person plural of haber in imperfect subjunctive (hubierais/hubieseis) + main verb participle
    -ir becomes -ido in the participle: aparecer → aparecido
    You would have known about it if you had appeared sooner.
  3. ¡Ojalá (aceptar/nosotros)   la oferta cuando tuvimos la oportunidad!1st person plural of haber in imperfect subjunctive (hubiéramos/hubiésemos) + main verb participle
    -ar becomes -ado in the participle: aceptar → aceptado
    If only we had accepted the offer when we had the chance!
  4. Os contarían el secreto si (enterarse/ellos)  .3rd person plural of haber in imperfect subjunctive (hubieran/hubiesen) + main verb participle
    the reflexive pronoun (se) comes before haber
    -ar becomes -ado in the participle: enterar → enterado
    They would tell you the secret if they had found it out.
  5. Habría asistido al congreso si (conocer/yo)   al ponente.1st person singular of haber in imperfect subjunctive (hubiera/hubiese) + main verb participle
    -er becomes -ido in the participle: conocer → conocido
    I would have attended the conference if I had known the speaker.

Complete the gaps with the past perfect subjunctive of the verbs in brackets.

  1. Me habría gustado que la banda (componer)   una canción para mí.3rd person singular of haber in imperfect subjunctive (hubiera/hubiese) + main verb participle
    irregular participle: componer → compuesto
    I would have liked it if the band had composed a song for me.
  2. Si te (ver/nosotros)  , te habríamos saludado.1st person plural of haber in imperfect subjunctive (hubiéramos/hubiésemos) + main verb participle
    irregular participle: ver → visto
    If we had seen you, we would have said hello.
  3. Habríamos pedido sushi para ti también si lo (decir/tú)  .2nd person singular of haber in imperfect subjunctive (hubieras/hubieses) + main verb participle
    irregular participle: decir → dicho
    We would have ordered sushi for you too if you had said something.
  4. No podrías odiarles aunque (hacer/ellos)   lo mismo.3rd person plural of haber in imperfect subjunctive (hubieran/hubiesen) + main verb participle
    irregular participle: hacer → hecho
    You couldn’t hate them even if they had done the same.
  5. Te habría avisado si (devolver/yo)   el regalo.1st person singular of haber in imperfect subjunctive (hubiera/hubiese) + main verb participle
    irregular participle: devolver → devuelto
    I would have told you if I had returned the gift.