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Planning on doing some sightseeing in a Spanish-speaking country? Then you’re off to a great start!

This page will teach you ten words to help you understand tour guides and take in the sights on your trip.

Memorise the list using the colourful image, then do the vocabulary tests to check your knowledge. See how these words are used in a real Spanish text in the reading comprehension section.

Visita turística

  1. los prismáticos (siempre en plural)binoculars
  2. la cámaracamera
  3. el guíaguide
    femenino: la guía
  4. la mochilarucksack
  5. el castillocastle
  6. las ruinas (siempre en plural)ruins
  7. el letrerosign
  8. la estatuastatue
  9. el plano de la ciudadmap
  10. el campamentocampsite

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Reading Text