Subjunctive Tenses – Free Exercise

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Indicative or subjunctive? Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences.

  1. a) Dudo que mañana .Speaker’s subjective perception (Dudo que…) subjunctive
    The verb dudar is always followed by the subjunctive.
    I doubt it will rain tomorrow.
    b) En Madrid solo en abril.Standard affirmative statement → indicativeIn Madrid, it only rains in April.
  2. a) Mañana a medio día.Standard affirmative statement → indicativeTomorrow we arrive at midday.
    b) No creo que antes de las cuatro.Speaker’s subjective perception (No creo que…) subjunctiveI don’t think that we will arrive before four o’clock.
  3. a) Me gusta que en la ducha.Speaker’s subjective perception (Me gusta que…) subjunctiveI like it that you sing in the shower.
    b) Mi compañero de piso siempre en la ducha.Standard affirmative statement → indicativeMy flatmate always sings in the shower.
  4. a) Yo nunca el libro antes de ver la película.Standard statement → indicativeI never read the book before watching the film.
    b) ¿Me recomiendas que el libro antes de ver la película?Verb of influence (¿Me recomiendas que…?) subjunctiveWould you recommend that I read the book before watching the film?
  5. a) Es posible que Carlos luego.Speaker’s subjective perception (Es posible que…) subjunctiveIt’s possible that Carlos will come later.
    b) Carlos siempre que tiene un cotilleo.Standard affirmative statement → indicativeCarlos always comes when he has some gossip.

Choose between the subjunctive and the indicative according to the conjunctions.

  1. He llamado a Jacinta para que nos con la mudanza.The conjunction para que always takes the subjunctive.I called Jacinta so that she can help us with the move.
  2. No te perdonaré aunque me perdón.The conjunction aunque takes the subjunctive when it introduces a hypothetical scenario.I will not forgive you even if you ask me for forgiveness.
  3. Te dejo mi móvil en caso de que no saldo en el tuyo.The conjunction en caso de que always takes the subjunctive.I’ll give you my phone in case you don’t have credit on yours.
  4. ¿Siempre escuchas la radio mientras ?The conjunction mientras takes the indicative when it introduces a repeated action.Do you always listen to the radio while you have breakfast?
  5. Haremos un pícnic en el parque a menos que .The conjunction a menos que always takes the subjunctive.We will have a picnic in the park unless it rains.