Imperfect Subjunctive – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct form of the imperfect subjunctive.

  1. Estaría genial que alguien la comida.3rd person singular → repartieraIt would be great if someone handed out the food.
  2. Estamos muy felices de que te en Cuenca.2nd person singular → casarasWe are very happy that you got married in Cuenca.
  3. Me gustaría que Paco y tú a la fiesta.2nd person plural → vinieseisI’d like it if you and Paco came to the party.
  4. Es posible que la mercancía ayer.3rd person singular → llegaraIt’s possible that the goods arrived yesterday.
  5. La empresa buscaba trabajadores que el almacén por la noche.3rd person plural → vigilaranThe company was looking for workers to guard the warehouse at night.

Regular verbs. Conjugate the verbs in the imperfect subjunctive.

  1. No me creo que (vosotros/comerse)   toda la hamburguesa.2nd person plural, reflexive -er verb → os comierais/comieseisI don’t think you ate the whole hamburger.
  2. Nuestro jefe no se ha alegrado de que (nosotros/llegar)   tarde.1st person plural, regular -ar verb → llegáramos/llegásemosOur boss wasn’t happy that we were late.
  3. Me gustaría que todos mis amigos (asistir)   a la fiesta.3rd person plural, regular -ir verb → asistieran/asistiesenI’d like it if all my friends came to the party.
  4. Me harías un gran favor si (tú/cuidar)   a mi gato el fin de semana.2nd person singular, regular -ar verb → cuidaras/cuidasesYou’d be doing me a big favour if you looked after my cat at the weekend.
  5. Marisol siempre hace como si no (pasar)   nada.3rd person singular, regular -ar verb → pasara/pasaseMarisol always acts as if nothing happened.

Irregular verbs. Conjugate the verbs in the imperfect subjunctive.

  1. Nos alegramos de que (tú/estar)   estudiando.2nd person singular, irregular -ar verb → estuvieras/estuviesesWe’re glad that you were studying.
  2. Me gustaría que (ellos/hacer)   las camas más rápido.3rd person plural, irregular -er verb → hicieran/hiciesenI’d like it if they made the beds faster.
  3. No sabíamos que (vosotros/tener)   un perro.2nd person singular, irregular -er verb → tuvierais/tuvieseisWe didn’t know that you had a dog.
  4. Te dije que no (tú/traer)   más vino.2nd person plural, irregular -er verb → trajeras/trajesesI told you not to bring any more wine.
  5. Si (yo/saber)   la verdad, te la diría.1st person singular, irregular -er verb → supiera/supieseIf I knew the truth, I would tell you.