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Conjugate the verbs in the present subjunctive.
- Quizá (venir) Paula a cenar mañana.3rd person singular, -ir verb (venir)
add a g before the infinitive ending → vengaPaula might come for dinner tomorrow.
- Llamaremos a mis padres tan pronto como (terminar) de comer.1st person plural, -ar verb (terminar) → terminemosWe’ll call my parents as soon as we’ve finished eating.
- Ojalá las nubes (irse) .3rd person plural, irregular reflexive verb (irse) → se vayanHopefully the clouds will go away soon.
- ¡No te (ensuciar) la camisa!2nd person singular, -ar verb (ensuciar) → ensuciesDon’t get your shirt dirty!
- El fin de semana iremos a esquiar, aunque no (haber) demasiada nieve.3rd person singular, irregular -er verb (haber) → hayaWe’ll go skiing at the weekend even if there’s not that much snow.
Conjugate the verbs in the present subjunctive.
- Espero que los invitados no (necesitar) nada más.3rd person plural, -ar verb (necesitar) → necesitenI hope the guests don’t need anything else.
- Es probable que (yo/llegar) un poco tarde a la reunión.1st person singular, -ar verb (llegar) → -llegue
add a u before the infinitive ending to maintain pronunciationI’ll probably be a bit late to the meeting.
- Nos sentimos parte del equipo, aunque no (jugar) en él.1st person plural, -ar verb (jugar) → juguemos
add a u before the infinitive ending to maintain pronunciationWe feel like part of the team, even though we’re not playing.
- ¡Nunca (vosotros/hablar) con desconocidos!2nd person plural, -ar verb (hablar) → habléisDon’t talk to strangers!
- No creo que los precios (estar) ahora más baratos.3rd person plural, irregular -ar verb (estar) → esténI don’t think the prices are any cheaper now.