Gender – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct article.

  1. paseonouns that end with o are usually masculinethe walk
  2. primafemale personthe (female) cousin
  3. dependientemale personthe salesman
  4. carnavalnouns that end with l are usually masculinethe carnival
  5. televisiónnouns that end with ión are usually femininethe television
  6. paznouns that end with z are usually femininethe peace
  7. miércolesall the weekdays are masculine in Spanishthe Wednesday
  8. nacionalidadnouns that end with d are usually femininethe nationality
  9. sabornouns that end with r are usually masculinethe taste
  10. oesteall the compass directions are masculine in Spanishthe west

Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

  1. El nos preguntó por el mejor bar de tapas de la zona.the noun turista takes the ending -a in both masculine and feminineThe tourist asked us for the best tapas bar in the area.
  2. La de la zapatería ha ido al almacén a buscar mi número.the masculine noun dependiente takes the ending -a in the feminineThe shop assistant at the shoe shop went to the stockroom to look for my size.
  3. El ha batido un nuevo récord.the noun atleta takes the ending -a in both masculine and feminineThe athlete has broken a new record.
  4. La está probando una nueva estrategia de marketing.the noun comerciante takes the ending -e in both masculine and feminineThe businesswoman is trying out a new marketing strategy.
  5. El de ese grupo es mi mejor amigo.the noun pianista takes the ending -a in both masculine and feminineThe pianist in this band is my best friend.
  6. La prefiere no dar su nombre.the noun testigo takes the ending -o in both masculine and feminineThe witness prefers not to give his name.
  7. El de la Casa Real se ha quedado dormido durante su turno.the noun guarda takes the ending -a in both masculine and feminineThe guard of the Casa Real has fallen asleep during his watch.
  8. La Raymonde de Laroche fue la primera mujer en recibir una licencia para pilotar.the noun piloto takes the ending -o in both masculine and feminineThe pilot Raymonde de Laroche was the first woman to receive a pilot’s licence.
  9. El Walt Whitman causó mucha controversia por su obra Hojas de hierba.the noun poeta takes the ending -a in both masculine and feminineThe poet Walt Whitman caused much controversy with his work Leaves of Grass.
  10. La Massiel ganó Eurovisión representando a España en 1968.the noun cantante takes the ending -e in both masculine and feminineThe singer Massiel won Eurovision for Spain in 1968.