Countable and uncountable nouns – Free Exercise

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Decide if the nouns below are countable (contable) or uncountable (incontable).

  1. café:
    uncountable noun
    to count café, we have to use a unit of measurement such as granos de café, gramos de café
  2. galleta:
    countable noun
    galleta can be used with numbers in the plural (e.g. dos galletas, tres galletas …)
  3. harina:
    uncountable noun
    to count harina, we have to use a unit of measurement such as dos tazas de harina, un kilo de harina
  4. sal:
    uncountable noun
    to count sal, we have to use a unit of measurement such as una pizca de sal, dos kilos de sal
  5. manzana:
    countable noun
    manzana can be used with numbers in the plural (e.g. dos manzanas, tres manzanas …)
  6. helado:
    countable noun
    helado can be used with numbers in the plural (e.g. dos helados, tres helados …)
    ice cream
  7. pan:
    uncountable noun
    to count pan, we have to use a unit of measurement such as un trozo de pan, dos barras de pan
  8. huevo:
    countable noun
    huevo can be used with numbers in the plural (e.g. dos huevos, tres huevos …)
  9. aceite:
    uncountable noun
    to count aceite, we have to use a unit of measurement such as una cucharada de aceite, dos litros de aceite …)
  10. tarta:
    countable noun
    tarta can be used with numbers in the plural (e.g. dos tartas, tres tartas …)

Choose the container or unit of measurement that best fits the nouns below.

  1. azúcar:
    sugar → packet
  2. leche:
    milk → carton
  3. mantequilla:
    butter → stick
  4. tomate (en salsa):
    tomato sauce → tin
  5. chocolate:
    chocolate → bar

Complete the text with the singular or plural form of the nouns.

Las magdalenas perfectas: Perfect Muffins

- Primero, se colocan los de papel en la bandeja del horno.definite plural article losmoldesFirst, place the cases on the baking tray.

- Después, se precalienta el horno a 200 .200 introduces the plural → gradosNext, preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

- En un bol, se montan 4 claras de y se añade un poco de .1. noun introduced by dehuevo
2. uncountable noun → sal
In a bowl, add four egg whites and add a bit of salt.

- En otro bol se mezclan 4 yemas de con 250 gramos de .1. noun introduced by dehuevo
2. uncountable noun → azúcar
In a different bowl, mix the four egg yolks with 250 grams of sugar.

- Se añaden dos 250 mililitros de y 120 de .aceite and leche are both uncountableAdd 250 millilitres of oil and 120 of milk.

- Se juntan las dos con una espátula.dos is a signal word for plural → mezclasCombine both mixtures with a spatula.

- Se vierte la mezcla final en los moldes hasta cubrir 1/3 de su capacidad.Pour the final mixture into the cases until they are filled two thirds of the way.

- Se hornean entre 10 y 12 .12 is a signal for the plural → minutosBake them for 10 to 12 minutes.

- Cuando estén doradas, se sacan.When they are golden, take them out.