Articles – Free Exercise

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Write in the indefinite article and the definite article for each noun.

artículo indeterminado artículo determinado
  bicicleta   bicicletafeminine: una, la
nouns ending in a are normally feminine
a bicycle, the bicycle
  libro   libromasculine: un, el
nouns ending in o are normally masculine
a book, the book
  coche   cochemasculine: un, el
for nouns ending with e, we need to check the dictionary, because they could be feminine or masculine
a car, the car
  nube   nubefeminine: una, la
for nouns ending with e, we need to check the dictionary, because they could be feminine or masculine
a cloud, the cloud
  vacaciones   vacacionesfeminine plural noun: unas, las
for nouns that only occur in the plural in Spanish, we use the indefinite article
note: in English, plural nouns don’t have an indefinite article
holidays, the holidays

Complete the sentences using the preposition in brackets and the definite article. Use contractions where possible.

  1. No te olvides (de)   café!café = masculine noun → el
    de + el = del
    Don’t forget the coffee!
  2. Debes devolver el dinero (a)   padre de Luis.padre = masculine noun → el
    a + el = al
    You have to return the money to Luis’ father.
  3. Es el director (de)   escuela.escuela = feminine noun → la
    we don’t use contractions with feminine articles
    He is the school’s headteacher.
  4. El verano pasado me fui de viaje (a)   Estados Unidos.Estados Unidos = masculine plural noun → los
    we don’t use contractions with plural articles
    Last summer, I travelled to the United States.
  5. ¿Por qué no vienes (a)   teatro con nosotros?teatro = masculine noun → el
    a + el = al
    Why don’t you come to the theatre with us?

Choose the correct article. If no article is needed, select the dash (-).

  1. Mi primo es cantante muy of many well-known singers → indefinite article
    masculine noun → un
    My cousin is a well-known singer.
  2. ¿Hablas español?with hablar, escribir, leer, entender un idioma, we don’t use an articleDo you speak Spanish?
  3. ¡Patricia! ¡ paella se está quemando!something specific, known to the addressee → definite article
    feminine noun → la
    Patricia! The paella is burning!
  4. Viajamos en tren.preposition en + means of transport no article.We’re taking the train.
  5. bueno es que no cuesta nada.before nouns made from adjectives, participles, or numbers, we use loThe good thing is that it doesn’t cost anything.