Comparative and Superlative Adjectives – Free Exercise

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Choose the correct form (comparative or superlative). Each form appears once.


  1. Rebeca es como su hermana.comparison with a basic adjective
    signal word = como
    Rebeca is just as tall as her sister.
  2. Ella es que sus padres.comparative
    signal word = que
    She is taller than her parents.
  3. Ella es de su clase.superlative
    signal word = de
    She is the tallest in her class.


  1. Me gustaría saber cuál es el lugar de la tierra.superlative
    signal word = de
    I’d like to know what the coldest place in the world is.
  2. ¿Es el monte Everest un lugar como el polo norte? comparison with a basic adjective
    signal word = como
    Is Mount Everest a colder place than the North Pole?
  3. ¿O son los dos igual de ?comparison with a basic adjective (signal word = igualOr are both equally cold?

Complete the sentences with the correct for of the adjectives (comparative or superlative).

  1. José y Carlos son (alto)   de la clase.superlative
    signal word = de
    masculine plural = altos
    José and Carlos are the tallest in the class.
  2. La fresa es (dulce)   que la naranja.comparative
    signal word = que
    feminine singular = dulce
    The strawberry is sweeter than the orange.
  3. Mi avenida es (ancho)   que tu calle.comparative
    signal word = que
    feminine singular = ancha
    My avenue is wider than your street.
  4. Esta tarta es (bueno)   de nuestro menú.superlative
    signal word = de
    irregular form: buena → mejor
    This pie is the best on our menu.
  5. La charla de hoy fue (malo)   de todas.superlative
    signal word = de
    irregular form: mala → peor
    The lecture today was the worst of all.

Form the absolute superlative.

  1. Este plato está (rico)  .ricoriquísimoThis dish is really tasty.
  2. El examen de historia fue (difícil)  .difícildificilísimoThe history exam was incredibly difficult.
  3. El camino de vuelta se hizo (largo)  .largolarguísimoThe trip back was unbelievably long.
  4. La iglesia del pueblo es (antiguo)  .antiguaantiquísimaThe village church is very old.
  5. En esta foto estáis los dos (joven)  .jóvenesjovencísimosYou both look so young in this picture.