Gerund of Spanish verbs

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What is the gerund in Spanish?

The gerund (el gerundio) is an impersonal verb form in Spanish.

It is comparable (but not identical) to the English -ing form.

You can recognise the gerund in Spanish by its ending -ndo.

The gerund is formed by adding -ando to the root of verbs that end in -ar and by adding -iendo to the root of verbs that end in -er and -ir. Like the infinitive, the gerund does not agree in number or gender.

Learn about the gerund in Spanish grammar with Lingolia’s quick and easy examples, then put your knowledge to the test in the exercises.


¡Estamos buscando compañera de piso!

Martín, Lorena y yo llevamos viviendo juntos 5 años. ¡Y es genial! Poco a poco, vamos agrandando nuestra familia.

Hacemos cantidad de planes juntos. Nos encanta hablar y ponernos al día preparando la cena.

Martín está colgando carteles por los cafés y tiendas del barrio.

Si buscas un piso bonito y acogedor por el centro, ¡llámanos! Viviendo con nosotros, tendrás el espacio y la compañía que necesites en cada momento.

¿Quién sabe? Quizá la semana que viene a esta hora estaremos viendo una película juntos en nuestro salón.

When to use the gerund in Spanish

In Spanish, the gerund is used:

  • to express actions that are in progress at a specific moment: estar + gerundio (= am/is/are doing, going, walking, etc.)
    Estamos buscando compañera de piso.We’re looking for a flatmate. (presente)
    Ayer a esta hora estaba colgando un anuncio en internet.This time yesterday, I was posting an ad online. (pasado)
    La semana que viene a esta hora estaremos viendo una película en nuestro salón.This time next week, we’ll be watching a film in our living room. (futuro)
  • to express simultaneous actions
    Nos encanta ponernos al día preparando la cena.We love catching up while making dinner.
  • to indicate how something is done (= by doing, by pressing, by going etc.)
    El proyector se enciende pulsando este botón.You turn on the projector by pressing this button.
  • in various verbal periphrasis
    ir + gerund → Poco a poco, vamos agrandando nuestra familia.Step by step, we’re expanding our family.
    llevar + gerund + time periodLlevamos viviendo juntos 5 años. = Llevamos 5 años viviendo juntos.We’ve been living together for 5 years.
    seguir + gerundSeguimos decorando los espacios comunes.We continue to decorate the common areas.
  • in shortened clauses.
    Compartiendo piso, aprendes a ser más cuidadoso con el espacio.When sharing a flat, you learn to be more considerate with the space.

How to form the gerund in Spanish

Form the gerund by adding -ando to the root of -ar verbs and -iendo to the root of -er/-ir verbs.

hablar → hablando
aprender → aprendiendo
vivir → viviendo

Irregular gerunds

Certain verbs are irregular in the gerund form.

Vowel change in the stem

Some verbs change their stem in the presente conjugation; this change remains in the gerund.

  • -e -ie/-i in presente = -e → -i in the gerund
    decir → tú dices → diciendo
    mentir → tú mientes → mintiendo
    preferir → tú prefieres → prefiriendo
    reír → tú ríes → riendo
    seguir → tú sigues → siguiendo
    sentir → tú sientes → sintiendo
    servir → tú sirves → sirviendo
    venir → tú vienes → viniendo
  • -o -ue in presente = -o -u in the gerund
    dormir → yo duermo → durmiendo
    morir → yo muero → muriendo
    poder → yo puedo → pudiendo

Irregular ending in the gerund

  • if the verb stem ends in a vowel, the -i of -iendo becomes a -y: -yendo
construir → construyendo
leer → leyendo
ir → yendo
oír → oyendo
traer → trayendo
  • if the verb stem ends in or -ll, we add -endo (instead of -iendo)
    gruñir → gruñendo
    bullir → bullendo

The gerund with reflexive verbs

With the gerund of reflexive verbs, the placement of the reflexive pronoun depends on the context:

  • when using the structure estar + gerund, the reflexive pronoun can come before estar or be attached to the end of the gerund
    Nos estamos esforzando en conseguir una buena compañera de piso.We’re trying to find a good flatmate.
    Estamos esforzándonos en conseguir una buena compañera de piso.We’re trying to find a good flatmate.
  • when using the gerund alone, the reflexive pronoun is always attached to the end
Concentrándote, entenderás la película.You’ll understand the film by concentrating.

The gerund + CD/CI

The gerund can also appear together with a direct (CD) or indirect (CI) object.

The placement of direct and indirect object pronouns with the gerund is the same as those for the reflexive pronouns.

  • when using the structure estar + gerund, the object pronouns can come before estar or be attached to the end of the gerund
Tengo mucha ropa. La estoy organizando por colores.I have a lot of clothes. I’m organising them by colour.
Tengo mucha ropa. Estoy organizándola por colores.I have a lot of clothes. I’m organising them by colour.
ropa (feminine singular) → direct object pronoun = la
Sabrina se muda la semana que viene. Le estoy haciendo hueco en los armarios de la cocina.Sabrina is moving in next week. I’m making room for her in the kitchen cupboards.
Sabrina se muda la semana que viene. Estoy haciéndole un hueco en los armarios de la cocina.Sabrina is moving in next week. I’m making room for her in the kitchen cupboards.
a Sabrina (3rd person feminine singular) → indirect object pronoun = le
  • If both a direct and an indirect object pronoun appear with the gerund, the indirect object comes before the direct object.
Todos nuestros vecinos quieren conocer a Sabrina. Se la estoy presentando.All our neighbours want to meet Sabrina. I’m introducing her to them.
Todos nuestros vecinos quieren conocer a Sabrina. Estoy presentándosela.All our neighbours want to meet Sabrina. I’m introducing her to them.
a ellos (3rd person masculine plural) → indirect object pronoun = se; Sabrina (feminine singular) → direct object pronoun = la
  • If the gerund appears alone, the object pronouns are always attached to the end of the gerund
    Conociéndote, sé que no te gusta limpiar el baño.Knowing you, I know you don’t like cleaning the bathroom.

Watch out for accents!

Adding one or two pronouns to the end of a gerund creates additional syllables. In many cases, the stress on the resulting word changes, meaning we need to add an accent to ensure correct pronunciation.

Apretando la bombilla, la lámpara se encenderá.By pressing the bulb, the lamp will turn on.
→ Apretándola, la lámpara se encenderá.By pressing it, the lamp will turn on.

→ Head over to our Spanish-language section to learn more about accent rules in Spanish.