Adjective Endings in Spanish Grammar

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Spanish adjective endings

In Spanish, we change adjective endings to agree with the noun they are describing in terms of gender (masculine or feminine) and number (singular or plural).

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José y Berta son los amables dueños de Félix. Félix es un gato blanco que está encima del sillón gris y duerme. Tiene mucha sed y sueña con un bol grande de rica leche. En la botella de su marca preferida hay una vaca preciosa

Singular adjectives in Spanish

The masculine form usually ends in -o.

Félix es un gato blanco. Felix is a white cat.

The feminine form usually ends in -a.

Alba es una gata blanc. Alba is a white cat.

Adjectives that end in -e or in a consonant have only one form for both masculine and feminine.

José es un dueño amable. José is a friendly owner.
Berta es una dueña amable. Berta is a friendly owner.

Adjectives that end in -or, -ol, -ón, -án, -ín and -és take the ending -a in the feminine form (exception: cortés).

José no es francés. Berta tampoco es francesa. José is not French. Berta is not French either.
but: José es cortés. Berta también es cortés. José is polite. Berta is also polite.

All other adjectives that end in a consonant have only one form for both masculine and feminine.

Félix está encima de la silla gris. Félix is on the grey chair.
Félix está encima del sillón gris. Félix is on the grey armchair.


When an adjective refers to more than one noun, it always appears in the masculine form if at least one of said nouns is masculine.

José y Berta son muy simpáticos. José and Berta are very nice.
one masculine noun, one feminine noun = masculine adjective

The following adjectives often come before the noun and lose the masculine ending -o in the singular: primer(o), mal(o), buen(o), tercer(o):

primer plato first course (of a meal)

The adjective grande loses its final syllable in the singular (masculine and feminine) when it is placed before the noun it refers to.

la gran violinista the great violinist
el gran pianistathe great pianist
los grandes músicosthe great musicians

Plural adjectives in Spanish

Spanish plural adjectives are formed by adding an -s to the singular form.

Félix piensa a menudo en ricos platos.Félix often thinks about delicious meals.
Sus marcas preferidas.His favourite brands.

Some plural adjectives are formed by adding -es or -ces:

  • Adjectives that end in a consonant take the ending -es in the plural.
    Me encanta el queso francés.I love French cheese.
    → Me encantan los quesos franceses. I love French cheeses.
    the adjective loses its accent in the plural form
  • Adjectives that end in -í or also take the ending -es in the plural.
Me gusta la comida hindú. I like Indian food.
→ Aquí hay muchos restaurantes hindúes. There are lots of Indian restaurants here.
  • Adjectives that end in -z take the ending -ces in the plural.
Félix es un gato feliz. Félix is a happy cat.
→ José y Berta son felices. José und Berta are happy.