Accents – Free Exercise

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Accent or no accent? Complete the following sentences with the correct word.

  1. No verás la tele si no has terminado los deberes.still → with accentYou’re not watching TV, you still haven’t finished your homework.
  2. No digas mentiras o dejará de confiar en ti.1. more → with accent
    2. personal pronoun → with accent
    Don’t tell any more lies or he will stop trusting you.
  3. La mayoría mis amigos viven en el extranjero.preposition → no accentThe majority of my friends live abroad.
  4. habiendo tomado , sigo teniendo frío.1. even → no accent
    2. tea → with accent
    Even though I’ve had tea, I’m still cold.
  5. hiciste la misma dieta que yo, no adelgazaste.1. personal pronoun → with accent
    2. but → no accent
    You did the same diet as me, but you haven’t lost any weight.
  6. Creo que pondrás malo sigues comiendo comida basura.1. reflexive pronoun → no accent
    2. adverb → no accent
    I think you will get sick if you keep eating junk.
  7. —¿Has estado alguna vez en Noruega?
    , el año pasado estuve en Oslo.affirmation yes → with accent—Have you ever been to Norway?
    —Yes, I was in Oslo last year.
  8. Cuando te la señal, sal corriendo.present subjunctive of the verb dar → with accentWhen I give the signal, run.