Interrogative Pronouns – Free Exercise

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Write questions asking about the underlined part of the sentence.

  1. Velázquez pintó Las Meninas.
     asking about the subject, which is a person → quiénVelázquez painted Las Meninas.
    Who painted Las Meninas?
  2. Estoy buscando un bolígrafo.
     asking about the direct object, which is a thing → quéI’m looking for a pen.
    What are you looking for?/What am I looking for?
  3. He elegido el azul.
     asking about a selection made from among several options → cuálI chose the blue one.
    Which one did you choose?
  4. Mis amigos vinieron a la fiesta.
     asking about multiple people → quiénesMy friends came to the party.
    Who came to the party?
  5. Estoy en la playa con mi primo.
     asking about the prepositional object (with), which is a person → con quiénI'm at the beach with my cousin.
    With whom are you/am I at the beach?

Choose the correct relative pronoun.

  1. De estos tres vestidos ¿ te gusta más?asking about a selection made from among several options → cuálWhich of these three dresses do you like the best?
  2. ¿ es este cuaderno?asking about a prepositional object (possession/belonging), which is a person → de quiénWhose is this notebook?
  3. ¿ son esas personas?asking about multiple people (plural) → quiénesWho are these people?
  4. ¿ haces esta tarde?asking about a direct object → quéWhat are you doing this afternoon?
  5. ¿ son los principales ríos de España?asking about a selection made from among several options → cuálesWhich are the main rivers in Spain?

Choose the correct options to complete the exclamations.

  1. ¡ grande está tu perro!we can use an adjective after qué but not after cómoYour dog is so big!
  2. ¡ come tu gato!we can use a verb after cuánto but not after quéYour cat eats so much!
  3. ¡ toca Fátima el violín!we can use the present indicative after cómo but not after quiénFátima plays the violin so well!
  4. ¡ podría imaginarlo!quién is usually followed by a verb in the conditional tenseWho could have imagined that!
  5. ¡ lejos vives!we can use an adjective after qué but not after cuántoYou live so far away!