Future with ir + a in Spanish Grammar

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What does ir a mean in Spanish?

The structure ir + a + verb is known as the futuro próximo. It is common in spoken Spanish to express actions and intentions for the near future, similar to going to in English.

Hoy voy a cocinar para todos. = Tonight I’m going to cook for everyone.

The future with ir a is not actually a tense in Spanish, it’s a verbal periphrasis, but it often replaces the Spanish future simple tense.

Learn how to use the futuro próximo in Spanish with Lingolia, then test yourself in the exercises.


¡Qué desastre de oficina! Ahora mismo voy a ordenar todos los clasificadores y las carpetas y le voy a pedir ayuda a mi compañero de trabajo.

Además, a partir del mes que viene voy a tener más trabajo que nunca, así que prometo que de ahora en adelante voy a ser más ordenado.

When to use the future with ir + a in Spanish grammar

The future with ir + a expresses the following:

  • plans or intentions for the near future.
Ahora voy a ordenar los clasificadores y las carpetas.Now I’m going to organise the folders and files.
Le voy a pedir ayuda a mi compañero de trabajo.I’m going to ask my colleague for help.
  • logical conclusions based on the present situation or the circumstances at the moment of speaking.
Con tanto tráfico, vamos a llegar tarde.With all this traffic, we’re going to be late.

How to form the future with ir + a

To conjugate the future with ir + a , we use the present tense of the verb ir + the preposition a + the infinitive of the main verb. In this context, the verb ir has no meaning, it is just an auxiliary verb.

Person ir Infinitive
yo voy a




el/ella/usted va
nosotros/-as vamos
vosotros/-as vais
ellos/ellas/ustedes van

Reflexive Verbs

When the infinitive is a reflexive verb, the reflexive pronoun (me, te, se, nos, os, se) can come at the very beginning or can be attached to the infinitive.

mudarsemoveyo me voy a mudar / voy a mudarme
te vas a mudar / vas a mudarte
él/ella se va a mudar / va a mudarse
nosotros/-as nos vamos a mudar / vamos a mudarnos
vosotros/-as os vais a mudar / vais a mudaros
ellos/-as se van a mudar / van a mudarse

Direct and indirect object pronouns (pronombres de CD y CI)

The position of direct and indirect object pronouns is also flexible.

We can place Spanish object pronouns before the conjugated verb or attach them to the infinitive, regardless of whether the pronouns are used:

  • individually
    Este viernes vamos a ver una película de acción.This Friday, we’re going to see an action film.
    → Este viernes la vamos a ver. / Este viernes vamos a verla.This Friday, we’re going to see it.
  • or in combination
    Voy a regalar este libro a Paula.I’m going to give this book to Paula.
    Se lo voy a regalar. / Voy a regalárselo.I’m going to give it to her.

Learn more about Spanish object pronouns.